20) the meeting

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"Where are they" Spencer asked Aria and Ava. "I told my mom we'd be studying at the library so that's covered" Aria said. "Oh, good because I told Jason and Toby the exact same thing" Ava said.

"Good" Spencer said. "You sure you wanna do this tonight" Aria asked.

"Yeah, are you kidding we have to find out what this guy knows about Ali" Spencer said. "And why his number was in Ali's, Vivian's coat" Aria said.

"And we finally got this meeting set so it's gotta be tonight look we're gonna have your back the whole time" Spencer said. "Yeah, Aria don't worry we'll be right there" Ava said. "I know" Aria said.

"So, my mom talked to your mom it wasn't just one sleepover Spencer it's been a whole week my mom just wants to know why you're not going home" Aria told Spencer.

"Spence you can talk to us what's going on" Ava asked. "I just can't deal with my family right now" Spencer said. "Can I help" Aria asked.

Suddenly they saw Emily come out and cheered for her. Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Ava made their way to Emily.

"Way to go champ" Spencer said and gave Emily a quick hug.

"Hey thank you" Emily said. "You did great Em" Ava said. "Thanks Ava" Emily said. "Em my mom said that we could have the team party at my house" Hanna said. "That's great" Emily said.

"Yeah" Hanna said. "A party" Ava asked. "Ugh pass I have plans with Mona anyways" Ava said.

They all saw Garrett and he walked past them. "What's Garrett doing here" Ava asked. Hanna followed him to see what was going on.

Hanna went back to the girls after a moment. "What just happened" Spencer asked. "Garett took Caleb's computer court order" Hanna said.

"What is he okay" Ava asked. "Yeah, he's fine" Hanna said and all their phones went off. They all got their phones out and looked at the message. "Now it's Caleb's turn - A" the message said.


"Why aren't you more freaked out about this" Hanna asked Caleb. "Hanna it's going to be okay we're going to figure it out" Ava said.

"Because I think you're freaked out enough for the both of us" Caleb said and stopped Hanna from pacing.

"Hey, I didn't do what they think I did they're just fishing they made it up there's nothing on my laptop" Caleb told her. "I never believed they did but something or someone wants to mess with you" Ava told Caleb.

"What about the information from the phone we gave you" Hanna asked.

"I keep it on flash drives I back it up online besides if there was shady stuff on my computer it still wouldn't matter" Caleb said. "Yes, it would it does" Hanna said.

"No, they couldn't get through my firewall not without my help" Caleb said.

"Caleb, you know how I was worried about something bad happened to you if you kept decoding the stupid change" Hanna asked.

"Yeah" Caleb said. "Well, this is it" Hanna said. "She's right Caleb someone wants to get you in trouble with the law they want you out of the way" Ava said.

"Someone broke into your computer and put those stolen files on your hard drive where you wouldn't be able to find them, and I think that someone might be Garrett" Hanna said.

"How do you know that" Caleb asked. "I just do so can't you just go online and do that magic thing where you remotely hack into your computer and erase all the scary bad stuff it's a real thing right" Hanna asked.

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