15) A hot piece of A

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"But how hard did you hit him, her, it" Aria asked Hanna. "Okay we really need to figure out if this A person is a girl or a not cause this guessing game is getting tired some" Ava said.

"Didn't run like a, her" Emily said. "I thought it was an animal" Hanna said. "It was, is" Spencer said.

"Well either way you kind of got your revenge since she tried to hit you with her car and would've if it wasn't for me" Ava said.

"Well when you put it that way, I got revenge for you too" Hanna said and Ava smiled at Hanna.

"Okay where is the box" Emily asked as they were all looking for the box. "You guys this phone's locked" Spencer said.

"And where were you guys, I thought we were supposed to meet here wasn't that the plan" Emily asked.

"Hey, I was lucky I got away without Mike asking questions now if he wanted to have sex, I'm not sure I would have made it here" Ava said. "Look I'm so sorry Em I dropped a huge bomb at home" Aroa said.

"Yeah, I was there with Mike and of course it was at the worst time imaginable, but I did enjoy watching Mike punch Mr. Fitz" Ava said and Aria looked at Ava.

"What I did" Ava said. "My parents wouldn't let me go and I had to climb through Mike's window" Aria said.

"And Toby came in and totally cornered me with all of these questions about why I was acting this way, and he would not leave without answers" Spencer said.

"Sounds like my brother alright" Ava said. "Kate's moving to Rosewood" Hanna said.

"What" Spencer, Ava, Emily, and Aria said. "Yeah, yeah my dad and Isabel got married and now they're looking for a house here in Rosewood so now I have more than one monster in my life okay I win" Hanna said.

"No, you don't I was almost killed these are not highlights Hanna this is glass in my hair" Emily said. 

"And she, he whatever probably would have if we didn't make it in time" Ava said. "Okay" Hanna said. "You guys can you talk to me for a second I'm holding A's phone in my hand" Spencer said.

"What are we doing with this" Spencer asked. "Something before A knows we have it" Emily said.

"Stand still" Aria told Emily trying to get the glass out of her hair. "Amy bright ideas" Ava asked.

"Hanna call Caleb" Spencer said. "Why" Hanna asked. "He's the best way to get information" Spencer said. "No leave him out of this" Hanna said.

"I actually agree with Hanna, I may not know him that well but it's bad enough we're involved we shouldn't get him involved too" Ava said.

"But he's our best shot tracing this back to A" Spencer said. "There are other people okay we'll take it to a phone store tomorrow" Hanna said.

"The phone store" Spencer asked. "Well then call technical support we can have someone in Pakistan do it" Hanna said. "Hanna" Emily said.

"What" Hanna said. "This can't wait until tomorrow" Aria said.

"Once A realizes it's missing it's" Emily said. "I get it okay, but this phone is connected to Jenna and Officer Garrett, Caleb already has bad history with her and the police we're not going there" Hanna said.

"Guys Hanna's right" Ava said. "Okay but if he can find something that finally nails the two of them together" Aria said. "At least consider it" Emily said.

"Hanna come on think this through" Aria said. "I am" Hanna said. "Okay you done thinking" Spencer asked. "Cause we're running out of time here" Spencer said.

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