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There were really few moments in Taehyung's life when he genuinely felt proud of himself. Today was one such moment for him. He was looking at the criminal with a smirk who was being pushed inside police trucks . He was able to give justice to Yoona with the help of his friends.

When Taehyung presented the DNA results of semen test before the court, the court had no choice but to punish the criminal for his hideous crime. Throughout the trial, the criminal was trying to intimidate Yoona but Yoona looked him dead in the eyes without any fear.

That bastard thought he could scare the little girl but instead the burning gaze of the 16 year old girl scared him out of their wits. He expected Yoona to be meek,hiding herself from the world and broken beyond repair.But Yoona was nothing like that.She kept her head held high, stood strong and didn't quiver.

She testified against him and whenever it was getting too difficult for her to speak remembering the incident, she closed her eyes and thought about what Jungkook told her last night. During the trial, Taehyung was beside her assuring her she was not alone.

Yoona wanted Jungkook to be with her but Jungkook really had an important meeting with his overseas client .He couldn't make it to the trial but talked to Yoona over the phone and gave her more courage.


Before roaming in the suburbs of Seoul, Jungkook decided to pay a visit to Yoona because it was a big day for her.He wanted to be there for Yoona.So when Taehyung left the hospital ,he went to Yoona's cabin .

Yoona's eyes lit up when she saw Jungkook.For some reason she feels safe with Jungkook.When most of the people find it hard to believe Jungkook , Yoona believes him blindly.Fuuny isn't it?

Jungkook walked towards Yoona with a big smile and Yoona also smiled in return.Jungkook handed Yoona a box of chocolate and ruffled her hair, making her smile more.

" How is my supergirl doing ? "

Jungkook asked ,caressing her hair softly.

" I am doing fine, bunny. Why are you here so late at night?"

Yoona asked with a frown.

Jungkook made a fake hurt expression and asked,

" Can't bunny visit Yoona?"

Yoona rolled her eyes playfully ,making Jungkook chuckle. Jungkook felt relieved seeing Yoona like this ,playful and happy. He knows that behind that pretty smile was a painful truth hidden but he was glad that at least Yoona was trying her best to be strong .

Jungkook held Yoona's hand and squeezed lightly and said,

" I came here to check on you. Tomorrow is a big day for you."

Yoona took her hand away from Jungkook and kept it on her lap a and her smile fell when Jungkook said that.

In the afternoon, Taehyung explained to her why it was necessary for her to testify so that the scoundrel could get punished accordingly.

At that time Yoona started to panic thinking how she would face him.She was scared to death and started to have panic attacks as the painful memories flashed in front of her eyes.Taehyung instantly dropped the topic and told her she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to.

Jungkook noticed how Yoona stiffened on her position and held her dress tightly on her lap with fisted hands.Jungkook again held the hand and asked gently ,

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