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Shedding gallons of tears never did any good to anyone except for laying a blanket of easiness on the heart and Taehyung knew that very well. After crying his heart out yesterday , he knew he had to rise and thrive. So he freshened up, hid his swollen eyes with makeup and masked his sadness with fake happiness.

He had one thing left in his life that he truly loved and that was his profession as a doctor. He had to find evidence to prove his innocence before the court hearing. A stream of relief knocked on Taehyung's heart when he found out Jungkook didn't come to the office today. He felt at ease since he wouldn't have to bicker with Jungkook or have to face him after yesterday's incident.

He was prohibited from performing any surgery or checking any patient so he just looked at the management and read some files thinking about how to bring Bangtan hospital back to its glory.

His work was done quickly so he decided to meet his friends in the bar today.Taehyung felt like a heavy burden lifted up from his chest when he saw Yoongi's gummy smile , looking at Jimin with love filled gaze and listening to the constant blabber of Jimin sitting on a sofa in the bar.

Taehyung didn't want to interrupt them so he kept looking at them from a little distance with a fond smile gracing his face.

" Yoongi hyung loves you," Taehyung got startled by the sudden voice and glared cutely at Namjoon.

" You scared me Hyung,"

Namjoon gave a sheepish smile and wrapped his arms around Taehyung pushing him forward. They exchanged greetings and started to chitchat enjoying their drinks and soon Jin joined them.

" What are you gonna do about your license Taehyung? " Jimin asked out of the blue.

Taehyung rubbed his temple , " I don't know Chim."

"Why don't we talk to the family who accused you and offer them more money than Jungkook to speak the truth?" Namjoon suggested.

" I tried doing it , "

Jin uttered, sipping his drink ,

" but they denied. They are scared that they will be punished for giving false statements to the police."

" When did you talk to them ? " Yoongi butted in.

" Just now, I am coming from their place," Jin replied.

" And you didn't feel it was important to tell me , " Namjoon yelled angrily, making Jin flinch.

" What if they did something, it could have been dangerous," Namjoon deadpanned and everyone nodded in agreement.

" That is why I didn't take anyone , I don't want anyone to get hurt because of my brother. He has done enough and moreover..., "

Jin couldn't complete his sentence as Namjoon slammed his drink on the table with a thud and darted outside. Jin clicked his tongue and followed Namjoon leaving behind Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung.

Taehyung became awkward in their absence and Yoongi was able to detect it.Yoongi scooted closer to Taehyung and held his hand ,

" I am not mad at you Taebear, it was not your fault."

These few words from Yoongi washed Taehyung with a wave of relief. All these years Taehyung thought like Jungkook Yoongi also blamed him but these few words from Yoongi lessened his guilt. He looked apologetically towards Yoongi who just pulled him in a tight hug.

" I should capture this moment in a camera ,"

Jimin clapped in excitement like a baby and took out his phone to capture the moment.Yoongi rolled his eyes , hearing Jimin but still was holding Taehyung in his embrace ,posing for the camera.

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