Chap- 24

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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open as the words of Jungkook echoed in his mind and how Jungkook very easily said he didn't love Taehyung and how everything was a lie.

His face was pale ,his face showed no sign of emotion. He looked like an empty vessel and mindlessly kept on staring at the ring between his fingers.

Taehyung wanted to ask his father whether everything Jungkook said was true or not but before he could ask anything, his father fell ill.

3 years ago when Taehyung came back after meeting with Jungkook, he told everyone whatever Jungkook said. Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard it but Jungkook's brothers wanted to knock some sense into Jungkook.

But before anyone could do anything or say something, Mr. Kim collapsed and he was immediately taken to the hospital .Mr. Kim slipped into a coma and after 5 months he died leaving Taehyung all alone. Taehyung never could blame his father because he didn't know his father's side of the story. For him his father was still the best father he could ever ask for and that is why he returned to Korea to fulfill the promise he made to his father in his deathbed.

Taehyung was staring at the blank wall in front of him and was thinking about the last few days. Last few days felt like a pleasant dream for Taehyung. A dream from which he never wished to wake up. A beautiful dream where Jungkook was being loving and caring towards Taehyung ,his eyes no longer held immense hatred for Taehyung but a little hesitation.

Taehyung wanted to believe again , break his heart free from the clutches of the painful memory of betrayal but he was scared to death. He knew his already wounded heart won't be able to handle another painful blow.

All his life he was alone .His parents were always busy with their work, being an only child he had no sibling to play with or care for. He yearned for love and affection but he was bathed with expensive toys and luxuries in the name of love and affection. Being an understandable kid ,he never complained to his parents and managed to be happy with every little thing.

When most people fear loneliness, he befriended loneliness and learned to live with himself. But his whole life fell into pieces when his mother died when he was 16.He was very fond of his mother even if she had barely any time for him .When his mother was alive, Taehyung could at least see his mother in weekends and lay on her lap and bask in her warmth .But fate snatched away that little happiness from him too.

After his mother's death , Taehyung's father became busier and interaction between them almost lessened to zero. But they silently cared for each other. It seems to the world as if the father son duo didn't share a good rapport but they love each other more than one could ever imagine. That is why Jungkook chose to hurt Taehyung as it will eventually hurt Mr.Kim.

When Taehyung turned 18,he left Seoul and went to London after completing his high school. He came back to Seoul for doing internship and planned to go to London again for doing Phd.

Taehyung was someone who never chased love .For him love was like a butterfly, the more you will chase it, the more it will elude you , but if you notice other things around you, it will gently come and sit on your shoulder. So he focused on his career and never thought about love that much.

Also, he never wanted stability in his life, he loved to travel , go from one country to another ,explore new places and experience different things. He was like wind just rushing from one place to another according to the will of his heart but never came in anyone's grasp.

However, he came into Jungkook's grasp and Jungkook oh so painfully crushed him bit by bit.

He was thinking of giving Jungkook another chance but today's incident made him think otherwise.

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