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The clinking sound of the glasses echoed through the Blue Orchid Bar ,the music was on high volume and everyone danced without a care of the world. Big smiles were decorated on Taehyung and his friend's faces. They were celebrating because why not today morning Taehyung was proved innocent and within 3 days he will get his license back.

No amount of words could express how happy Taehyung felt. He managed to save his career, the only driving force of his life. When his license was seized , he thought his life came to a halt but now he is dancing in joy and thanking Jungkook for it. Yes !Jungkook because of him , Taehyung got the idea of saving himself.

That day when Taehyung sneaked into Jungkook's office and Jungkook mentioned CCTV footage, a realization sprinted to him. He was in so much pressure that he forgot to check the CCTV footage in the hall where the uncle of the patient approached him and where he signed the consent form.

How ironic isn't it? Jungkook created the problem but he also gave the solution unknowingly.

After leaving Jungkook's office that day , Taehyung again came to the hospital at midnight and went to the control room to check for the footage. The footage from main file was obviously deleted by Jungkook but Jungkook didn't know Taehyung installed back up in the system to tighten the security when he came to the hospital. Taehyung patted himself mentally for doing that because it saved his career.

He looked through the backup system and finally found the footage and immediately sent it to Namjoon. The footage clearly showed how the patient's uncle approached him and how he signed the consent form. The video had audio also so no way the court can deny his innocence. Taehyung was on cloud nine when he saw the video and Namjoon handled the rest.

This morning the court freed Taehyung of all charges and he will get his license within 2 days.The patient of the family lied that they got money from an unknown account and was asked to give false testimony and Dr. Park had already fled from the country.

Taehyung and Namjoon didn't want to drag Jungkook because of Jin. They knew no matter how mad Jin was at Jungkook , he still loves him very dearly. Jin being a man of his principles didn't agree to it , he wanted to tell the truth but Namjoon and Taehyung blackmailed him emotionally. At last he had to give up but he was giving a cold shoulder to them.

" I am so happy for you Tae, "

Jimin declared, pulling Taehyung to a tight hug and kissed his temple.

" Thanks Chim, I am also happy, " Taehyung replied with a huge grin.The grin quickly wiped off his face when his eyes met Jin.

Jin was sitting on the corner drinking his vodka boring holes into Namjoon and him. When their eyes met ,Jin looked away and went outside to a quieter place.From the other end Namjoon noticed it and wanted to follow him but Taehyung stopped him.

Taehyung slowly approached Jin whose back was facing him .Jin felt Taehyung's presence but he waited for Taehyung to speak. Mustering all his Taehyung spoke,

" I know Hyung ,you didn't want us to lie in court but Hyung I wanted to be selfish. For once can I think for myself please?

Jin didn't expect these words from Taehyung and he didn't expect Taehyung to beg like this.Heck everyone thinks about themselves so it bewildered Jin what Taehyung was talking about.He instantly turned to Taehyung and asked him what he meant by that.

Taehyung gulped , trying to find words as his own emotions were taking a toll on him. With much difficulty he managed to speak again trying not to stutter at all ,

" I already took one brother from you. I don't want to take another brother from you. I have guilt piling up in my heart , I can't add another one by putting your other brother behind bars.You have already done enough for me and I am grateful but please don't make me do this. I beg."

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