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Jungkook never felt this despondent in his entire life before. He felt like his life was turned upside down ,he felt so broken and helpless and for the first time he wanted to rely on someone to deal with his pain. He wanted someone to hold him and hide him away from the harsh realities of his own life.

After leaving Taehyung's house out of spite , he drove to the house of the person he knew would never abandon him and would hide him in his arms to conceal him from his own darkness.He didn't want to be alone tonight so with much difficulty drove to Jin's house.

Jin was lying lazily on his couch staring at the ceiling and recalling his memories with Hobi while Namjoon was in his cabin working on his new case.The clock showed it was 11 pm so Jin was getting up to go to his room. He halted on the first step of his stair when his doorbell rang.

Jin was flabbergasted when he heard the doorbell ring at this hour, he wasn't expecting visitors but still walked lazily towards the door and opened the door. His eyes grew 10 times bigger when he saw Jungkook standing in front of his door at this hour and that too looking all distraught, his clothes dishevelled, eyes swollen and red from crying, stains of dried tears on his cotton soft cheeks.

Jin was stunned and Namjoon also came out from his cabin hearing the doorbell.Jin looked at Jungkook with worry and stepped closer to him saying,

" Jungkook! What happened , my baby?"

As soon as Jungkook heard the concerned yet loving voice of Jin , he couldn't control himself.He threw himself on Jin  and burst out into tears. Jin thought maybe Jungkook was missing Hobi that is why he was like that as it was Hobi's death anniversary but his eyes were speaking otherwise.

Jin hugged back Jungkook tightly, letting him cry in his embrace ,caressing the back of his hair.Namjoon came towards them and signed Jin asking what happened but Jin replied he doesn't know.

Without breaking the hug , Jin brought Jungkook near the couch and made him seat.Jungkook didn't want to let go of Jin so Jin sat beside him letting Jungkook stick to him.

Namjoon brought water for Jungkook so Jin pulled Jungkook away from his embrace and wiped his tears ,making him drink water.

" What happened Kook? Why are you crying like this? Tell Hyung."

" I am not vile Hyung,"

Jungkook mumbled sniffling. Jin was surprised when he heard Jungkook.

" Even if I was vile , I would try my best to be a great dad,"

Jungkook cried , burying his face in Jin's face.

Jin and Namjoon froze on their spot hearing the word dad coming out from his mouth and they were utterly astonished .

Namjoon sat beside him and rubbed his back to soothe him and asked carefully,

" What do you mean you would have been a great dad?"

Jungkook cried harder pushing himself more into Jin's warmth and it made Jin glum seeing Jungkook so vulnerable like this.

" I was a dad Hyung.I became a father but I just got to know it today,"

Jungkook confessed while crying and shocking Jin and Namjoon.

Jungkook came out of Jin's embrace and looked at him with eyes full of tears and wobbled his lips and said,

" Taehyung hid it from me, how can he be so cruel? Before I could even hold my child, my little one left me."

Jungkook wept harder and placed his head on Jin's lap but both Jin and Namjoon gasped loudly when they heard Jungkook.Jin couldn't believe his own ears, his little brother became a father and also lost his child.

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