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The morning alarm pierced through the dense silence and interrupted Jungkook's sweet slumber. Jungkook woke up with a groan, his head was hurting because of the hangover.

Yesterday ,when Taehyung was getting arrested ,he just watched like a mere spectator enjoying the scene in front of him to the fullest. Seeing the helplessness in Taehyung's eyes he felt powerful. A part of him was satisfied ,his thirst for revenge was quenched. When their eyes met, he just winked at Taehyung ,smirking and saw the police drag away Taehyung.

After completing his morning routine , he went to the kitchen to make breakfast but the doorbell made him stop.He was confused thinking who could visit him at this hour but eventually opened the door.

A cloud of shock hovered over his head as he saw his elder brother standing in front of him with all his glory. Getting a grip on himself , he asked in amazement,

" Hyung, what are you doing here?"

Jin looked at him angrily ,"As if you don't know ?" Jin retorted back.

Jungkook moved aside to let Jin enter .Jin was not in the mood to beat around the bush. He had many things to do so he just got straight to the point ,

" How did you do it ?"

"What are you talking about? "

Jungkook said, acting clueless.

" Just speak Jungkook,how? "

Jin asked sternly and folded his hands on his chest giving Jungkook a pointed look. Jungkook had to give up his act. He knew what was Jin talking about and it was better to not mess with Jin when he was already in a sour mood.

Jungkook sighed and revealed in a nonchalant tone,

" I may or may not have stolen the consent form from his office and I may have bribed Dr.Park."

That's all Jin needed to hear.He just wanted to confirm whether Jungkook was behind it. A part of him Jin didn't want Jungkook to be behind it.He can't bear to see his brother doing something this evil but Jungkook was now beyond his control.He wanted to slap away the smug plastered on Jungkook's face but he knew better it was just a waste of energy and time.

Thus, Jin nodded in understanding and grinned ," Congratulations Jungkook , you just dug your own grave."

Jungkook looked at him questioningly and Jin smirked , " Taehyung gets bail at 12 am and oh trust me you just woke up the beast in him. "

" I made sure he stays behind bars at least for 3 days so he won't get bail, " Jungkook said with a hint of victory.

Jin nodded in disagreement , a taunting smile adorning his divine face ,

" I can easily overrule your power , I am Jeon Seokjin and not to forget the best lawyer in Korea is handling his case. And not to mention , Taehyung is a Kim himself."

All the cheekiness from Jungkook 's face vanished. He really forgot , he was all alone in this fight , it was him against everyone but he alone was enough to bring everyone to the brink of their destruction.

Jin gave a last glance at Jungkook and was about to leave but halted for a moment, he looked back and said,

" A last piece of advice , rather than playing in the hospital, focus on your business, it needs you."

Jungkook was perplexed , " Are you here to threaten me ?"

" I don't give threats , I am here just to warn you."

A beautiful smile made its way to Jungkook's beautiful face , he smiled widely which made Jin frown.

" At least you care enough to warn me, "

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