Chap- 23

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" I don't."

" He is joking, "

Hobi who was standing behind Jungkook as his best man, suddenly said ,laughing nervously and pinched Jungkook from back and whispered in his ears,

" Kook ,this is not funny. I swear I will skin you alive. This is not the time for joking."

" I am not joking , Hyung.I am serious, "

Jungkook told looking straight into Taehyung who was too stunned to speak.

Mr. Kim stepped forward and yelled,

" What are you saying Jungkook? You can't do this to my son , you love him don't you?"

Jungkook looked at Mr. Kim and scowled,

" I love your son but he is a cheat. I can't marry an unfaithful person. "

Hearing that Taehyung came to his senses and his eyes became as big as saucers. Never in his life he thought someone would question his loyalty or character. In his life he treasured two things the most ,one is his character and the other is his career. After being with Jungkook, he never looked at any other men, he was devoted to Jungkook but how can Jungkook say that?

He looked at Jungkook perplexedly and asked

" What are you saying Kookie? You know I only love you , I never looked at anyone except you."

Jungkook shook his head and said,

" I also thought you loved me but you cheated on me."

Jungkook shouted ,trying to sound hurt , making everyone scowl at Taehyung.

Taehyung screamed ,he couldn't let Jungkook assassinate his character like this in front of so many people and media and blame him for something he never did,

" Stop saying that Jungkook, I didn't cheat."

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung by his elbow and yelled,

" Then what is this? "

Jungkook fished out a remote from his pocket and pressed a button. The big screen which was initially showing some couple pictures of Jungkook and Taehyung and Taehyung with his family and friends ,now started to display pictures of Taehyung with another guy.

A series of whispers flooded the room when the pictures started to show.Looking at the pictures , Taehyung realized it was Minjun. In the pictures, Taehyung was hugging Minjun , Minjun was holding Taehyung's hand , Taehyung's head was rested on Minjun's shoulder and many more.

These pictures showed Taehyung was close to Minjun, indeed he was because Minjun and Taehyung were really good friends and it was casual for them but it was being displayed in a very demeaning and wrong way. The one picture that added fuel to the fire was Minjung kissing Taehyung.

They were not kissing literally but the angle from which it was clicked made it look like they were kissing.

" I can't believe Taehyung was like this."

" Taehyung looks so innocent ,can't believe he did this."

" Poor Jungkook."

" Mr, Kim son's is a cheat."

"Mr. Kim couldn't raise Taehyung properly."

" A motherless child is bound to go astray."

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