The Dark Angel

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Everyone was in the guild to hear news of how last night went for Lucy and Laxus. They were all waiting for them until they saw a bight beam of light that was pure white and after the light had gone they were all shocked. There stood Haya the forbidden Angel.

"Haya what can we do for you?" A white haired barmaid asked.

"WHERES LUCY?!" She shouts as the doors bang open.

"Haya?" Everyone looked to where the voice came from to see who see was looking for Lucy along with Laxus.

"LUCY! We need your help. Open the gate to the Angel world and call forth all the Angels." Haya said as she throw Lucy a key that was white with gold Angel wings on it and then Haya disappeared.

Lucy didn't wait for anyone to say anything because they were all worried about their family...the Angels they had meet.

"I Lucy Vermillion Clive hold the key to the Angel world, I ask the to open the gate and let the Angels pass though. COME FORTH ANGELS!!" Lucy enchanted and a giant portal that had all the colours opened in front of Lucy and fifteen Angels came through it.

They weren't all getting along, fourteen of them were going against one of them. Before that Angel could go back.

"Close gate to the ANGEL WORLD!!" Lucy closed the portal.

The Angel in black stopped fighting the others and pushed them all back and looked at Lucy.

"Oh my if it isn't Lucy Vermillion Heartfilia." The angel in black said.

"How do you know my name and what's yours?" Lucy asked her.

"I am Kihaku the Dark Angel." She paused as she smirked at Lucy seeing her shocked. "And I know your name because you are the daughter of the Angel slayer Layla Heartfilia. She gave her life to seal me away fourteen years ago she wasn't powerful enough to get rid of me." Kihaku finished and Lucy fell to her knees the she smiled to herself.

"I'm sorry but there is something you are missing from that." Lucy says as she stands up. Kihaku looks at her confused.

"What I am I missing then Heartfilia?" She asked Lucy as everyone was looking at her confused.

"One my last name isn't Heartfilia, it is Clive and two my mother was never any Angel slayer. She was one of the best but she could and would not hurt an Angel good or bad. She had a pure heart and the one thing I know is that you never hurt something without reason and I know when see sealed you away it was fifteen years ago and you didn't do anything bad so she couldn't kill you. The Angel council wanted you sealed because you was getting out of control, you would try and kill other of your kind but you didn't you stopped you self somehow." Lucy explained and everyone was shocked that she known all of that and most of all the Angels. The one most shocked was Kihaku.

"You how do you know that?" Kihaku asked angrily.

"I know because my mother told me when she had to go to the Angel world. I didn't know what she meant then I said to her 'mama don't kill her she hasn't killed anyone she just needs someone to play with her or get someone to teach her how to use her powers. So mama seal her away until I can do something to help her.' I didn't remember I said that because when my mother came back she sealed away my memory about ever talking about you." Lucy told Kihaku.

"You mean what Layla said about a little girl wanting to help me was true?" Kihaku asked. Lucy nodded.

Kihaku started to walk to Lucy as all the other Angels started to get in front of her.

"Stand down my friends, I want to see what see is going to do." Lucy told the other Angels as they moved out he way.

"Alright miss Clive how are you going to help me?" Kihaku asked as she stopped in front of Lucy a meter away.

"Purifying you." Is all she says, all the Angels looked at her like she was mad.

"YOU CANT YOU WILL DIE!!" All the Angels Shouted. Lucy smiled at them.

"That's where your wrong my friends because if you help me then no one will but that is your choice Angels. I know you don't want one of your own to go." Lucy says as she moves a meter away from Kihaku.

The Angels look around at each other and nodded, they all joined hands and two of them joined with Lucy to complete the circle. Lucy felt more circles behind her and they were concerning their magic to the people who known the spell.

"Don't die Lucy, Fairy Tail." The Angels say as they start.

"We are the Angels,

We join with the purest heart on earth.

I am the Angel Slayer,

I join with the Angels.

We come together to purify what's dark,

To make it shine bright like it wants to.

To give a second chance,

To give hope to the fallen Angel.

We ask the Angel Queen to watch,

To see dark become light.

Fallen Angel shine bright alongside us,

Shine alongside your sisters.

FALLEN ANGEL PURIFYING!!" The Angels and Lucy finish.

When they finished the most purest light came off Lucy and shot at Kihaku and it surrounded her. When it went she still had the same black outfit but she was no longer a dark Angel she was one of the protecters of the night.

"Lucy you did it." Kihaku said shocked. Lucy shuck her head.

"Your wrong, everyone here did it that is surrounding you because they didn't want to see you go." Lucy said as she fell back to be caught by Laxus.

"LUCY!?!?" Everyone in the guild along with the Angels shouted.

"I'm fine I'm just relived it helped her, our new friend, and family member Kihaku, along with some new Angels I have yet to meet." Lucy says as she stands on her feet and leans on Laxus for support.

"I'm Riku, guardian Angel of nature." One says as she steps forward.

"I am Miku, guardian Angel of the night." She says.

"Hinode, guardian Angel of the sun." Hinode says as she smiles like the sun.

"I'm Kazuno, Angel of Peace." Kazuno says as she stands next to Fenna.

"And I am Reina, princess of the Angel world and the guardian Angel of war. I have something to ask of you Lucy Vermillion Clive." Reina says as she looks into Lucy's eyes.

"What my I do for you my friend?" Lucy asked as she moves away from Laxus.

"I would like you to have the key to the Angel world and if you ever need move help apart from the nine Angels keys in your possession, then please call upon us." Reina says as she bows to Lucy along with all of the other Angels.

"I will but please don't bow down to me I'm you friend and your new family. You don't now down to you family." Lucy explained to them and they smiled at her.

"Princess Lucy can you please open up the portal to the Angel world for us." Fenna asked and Lucy nods.

"I Lucy Vermillion Clive hold the key to the Angel world, I ask the to open the gate and let the Angels pass though. OPEN PORTAL TO THE ANGEL WORLD!!" Lucy says the spell and the Angels say thank you as they leave.

Once they are gone the portal closes and everyone looks at Lucy and Laxus.

"What?" They ask at the same time.

"So are you engaged or not?" Someone shouted out. They looked and smiled at each other.

Lucy held up her left hand so everyone could see the ring on her ring finger. They all gasped as they saw an Angel and Demon on it.

"THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!!" Angel and Demon shout out at the same time in unison.

"TIME TO PARTY EVERYONE FOR THE NEWS!!" Master Makarov shouted as he made his way to the bar.

They all had a long night of partying.

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