Ryuuzetsu land

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It's been five weeks since the guild had found their lost family. Laxus and Lucy has been on five dates since they got back. Lucy got Freed and Mira together because lucy thought it was Mira's turn to get paired up with her crush, since she does it to everyone else in the guild.

Everyone was in the guild, it was back to normal now. Natsu and Gray were fighting, Erza was stopping them then going to eat her cake. Everyone else was laughing and loving that everything was back to normal. People went on missions like they use to.

While they were all laughing and talking only two blondes notice the Master stand on the rail on the second floor and they covered their ears.

"LISTEN UP!!" Master shouted so loud all the dragon slayers fell to the floor, apart from Laxus and Lucy. Master smirked at this.

"What is it Master?" Someone shouted out.

"For the return of Laxus, Lucy, Demon and Angel we all are going to Ryuuzetsu Land AND EVERYONE IS COMING!" Master explained while shouting the last part. Everyone nodded.

While everyone was talking to people around them Master told them to shut up and that they were going tomorrow.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Lucy said while she was sitting on Laxus's lap.

"Your not the only one Blondie." Laxus said while agreeing with her.

Lucy got use to Laxus calling her Blondie so she came up with a name for him.

"So what do you want to do my yellow Demon?" Lucy asked him while taking his fur coat and putting it around her while she suggual up to him.

"Let's get you home because your going to fall asleep." He tells her as he stands up and starts to walk home.

Everyone else in the guild didn't notice they just carried on with what they were doing.

Next day in front of Ryuuzetsu land.

Everyone was waiting out front for a certain pink haired idiot and his blue exceed.

"That's it I don't care I'm going in. I'm not waiting out here for the pink idiot when we could be enjoying our time." The blond Angel slayer says as she walked into the water park.

"Sorry gramps but I agree with Blondie." Laxus says as he follows his blonde.

"Alright everyone lets go in Lucy is right. Natsu and Happy will have to find their own way of getting in." Master told everyone as he followed what the to blondes did.

Everyone else just went in not waiting any longer because they wanted to enjoy their time. Not spending most of it waiting for a pink idiot that is always late.

Everyone was in doing what they like and most of the other guilds are there to.

"Oh if it isn't the Fairy mages that went missing." A blonde spicky-haired boy came up.

"Sting just leave them alone." A boy with shoulder length black hair said.

"But wayyy Rouge?" Sting moaned.

"Aren't you two from Sabertooth?" The blonde femLe asked.

"Why yes we are Blondie. I'm pleased you know me." Sting said as he took her hand and kissed it.

The female looked pissed because he called her Blondie and their was only one person that gets to call her that. Also he KISSED her hand.

"Laxussss do something." She moaned at the male who was standing next to her looking really pissed.

"Wait did you say Laxus? So if you did your Lucy?" Sting asked scared stiff for what was going to happen. She just nodded. He gulped.

"It will be my pleasure." Laxus said as he cracked his knuckles and walked to sting.

When he was in front of him, he punched him on the jaw and it sent him flying.

"Year go Laxus my big Yellow Demon!" Lucy cheers Laxus on.

"I think you should go look for him." Laxus says to Rouge as he walks back to Lucy. Rough nods in agreement.

After Rouge had went Laxus picked up Lucy who was in a blue bikini with yellow outlines.once he picked her up she kissed his cheek. He smiled.

"My yellow Demon, my hero." Lucy says as she kissed him on the lips and he kissed back straight away.

While they were with each other NATSU and Gray were fighting on the other side of the water park. They were fighting about how Natsy is always late and everyone has to suffer.

They started to throw punches at each other. Gray hit Natsy so hard he went flying and Natsy grabbed Gray before he was. They were sent flying to the love love slider. Just before they were going to hit it Natsu let go of Gray who fell on to the slide bring Lyon with him.

They were both fighting each other activating their magic without knowing it. Natsu was laughing until he landed on the giant heart and it started moving down the slide.

While that was going on Lucy was in the pool while Laxus was watching her. She started to shiver even though she hasn't been in the water that long.

"You alright Blondie?" Laxus asked her worried.

"I-it just g-got cold all of a s-sudden." Lucy said as she made her way to Laxus who had told her to come out.

Just as she got out the pool turned to ice and so did everything else.

"Those idiots." Laxus and Lucy said at the same time.

When the giant heart stopped that Natsu was on he shouted 'Gray you idiot!' Then he jumped into the sky with a fist of fire and punched the ice and everything got destroyed.

"Laxus go find them." Lucy told Laxus.

"Already on it Blondie." Laxus said as he made his way to the idiots.

When he found them he had hit them on the head so they couldn't run away.

"Fairy Tail will pay for everything." The officer said to Master Makarov and Mavis. They both started to cry.

"Gramps I have the idiots here." Laxus says as he walks up to Master Makarov.

"I known this was going to happen." Lucy said to herself as she walked over to Laxus holding up broken swimming costume.

"Blondie use my coat if you can find it." Laxus told Lucy who nodded and started to look for his fur coat.

After two minutes of looking she found it and put in on making sure no one saw her breasts. Then she walked back over to Laxus who was nearly dressed and he handed her, her shoes. When she got them she put them on and they told Master they were leaving, but he was to busy shouting and telling off Natsu and Gray to notice. Not wanting to get in the middle they just lefted and made their way home.

When they got home they both got into something more comfortable, sat on the sofa and watch movies to forget about what had happened earlier that day.

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