Unbeatable duo

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Normal PoV

The guild was waiting for the two blondes that had disappeared at the party the night before because everyone else was still in the guild. When someone was going to say something the two blondes walked in after kicking the door so hard to nearly flew off its hinges.

"Hey everyone we are back!" Both blondes shouted at the same time in unison.

"Hey Mira can I speak to you?" The blonde female asked.

"Sure Lucy. Come to the back." Mira said showing Lucy to the back but before Lucy could go to the back Happy was in front of her.

"Hey Lucy do you have a partner?" Happy asked.

"Yeah I do sh--" Lucy stopped remembering something. "What time is it?" She asked worried.

"Ten minutes to ten." Someone shouted out.

"DAME!" Lucy shouted and ran out the guild.

"Did I say something wrong?" Happy asked worried that he was going to be hurt. Everyone just shrugged their shoulders and carried on with what they where doing, while a certain blonde male couldn't stop thinking about the blonde that had just ran out of the guild.

Thirty minutes later.

Everyone was in the guild as normal until they could hear someone srceam running into the guild, looked around for a blonde man. When they had found him they ran up to him and hid in his fur jacket. Then not a minute later something came flying into the guild and shouted..


"Clam down angel!" Something else shouted. She gave a little hump and looked around for a certain female blonde angel slaying Mage.

"Who are you?" Said a barmaid with long white hair.

"Ahh how rude of us. I'm Demon a exceed." Said the exceed which had black wings with a yellow body with blue eyes. He had black shorts on. "And I'm here to accompany Angel Lucy's partner." He explained and pointing to the white bodied exceed which had gold and silver wings and was wearing a gold dress.

"So do you have a partner Demon?" A blonde man spoke up.

"No but who may you be?" Demon asked.

"I'm Laxus Dreyar a lightning dragon slayer and a demons slayer also element demon slayer." The blonde explained calmly.

"Hmmm...Would you like to be my partner?" The exceed asked Laxus and he just nodded.

"OK I HAVE HAD IT LUCY GET OUT HERE NOW BEFORE I CRY!" Angel yell with tears forming in her eyes.

Lucy could smell salt in the air so she came from hiding under Laxus's coat, to see angel on the verge of tears so she got from Laxus's lap and ran to her exceed.

"ANGEL DONT CRY! I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE LATE!" Lucy shouted as she ran other to her exceed, but just before she got to her exceed something sent her flying.

"LUCY!!!!" Angel, Demon, Laxus and the rest of the guild shouted. Before Lucy's body made contact with anything someone had jumped behind her and catcher her and they landed on there feet.

Laxus PoV

While Lucy was running to her exceed see was sent flying across the guild. I known I had to do something but what. Before I could think my body was moving on its own. I had jumped in the air behind blondie and caught her in my arms and landed on the floor.

I looked up to see Demon and Angel flying our way. Then I smelled it the smell of flames. The same smell of the girl from Raven Tail the guild that was disqualified from the GMG games. Then I saw fire coming our way.

"LOOK OUT!!" I shouted but before anyone moved Demon and Angel turned around and enchanted a spell.

"We call forth the protesters of Lucy Vermilion Clive the twelve zodiac keys!" Then the keys on Lucy's belt lit up and In a second the twelve zodiac spirits were in front of Demon and Angel with a magic shield.

Angel PoV

After me and Demon enchanted the spell, the twelve spirits knowing the drill if me and Demon called them put a barrier up to protect everyone one. I looked back at Lucy seeing if see was standing and she was. Knowing Lucy I went over to her.

"You ready Lucy?" I asked her knowing what her answer was. She nodded.

"Alright Laxus got ready to enchant one of you spells." He nodded at me.

"Okay now Lucy you do your Angel light and after she does that Laxus you do yours." I explained to them. After I explained to them our enemies were in the door way of fairy tail.

"The stars above are lights, they come at my command to take my nightmares away, the heavens above give me the power to light the world, the Angel's are my sisters. I call forth ANGEL'S LIGHT!" Lucy casted the spell. The light came looking like angles and they surrounded Raven tail. "ATTACK ANGEL'S LIGHT!!" Lucy finished the spell.

The light attacked them and when the dust disappeared three members were down for the count.

Demon PoV

After Lucy had finished three members were down and Laxus started to enchant his.

"The shadows all around are your reflection, yours and yours alone, they show with the light the Demon or Angel within. I call forth DEMONS SHADOW!" As Laxus finished the spell the shadows around the two remaining members turned into their demons and attacked them.

'I choose a good partner and I see Lucy is as strong as ever but way was she holding back?' I thought to myself.

Not long after that incident the magic rune Knights came and took them away.

"Ne, Lucy why aren't you going to get your wound looked at?" I asked her but before she could answer she fainted.

Laxus PoV

As I was walking over to Blondie, Angel and Demon I saw red on Blondie's stomach and then she was falling backwards.

"LUCY!" I shouted as I ran to her. Just catching her before she made contact with the floor. "WENDY COME TO THE INFIRMARY!" I shouted as I made my way to the infirmary. I could hear little steps as they ran to the infirmary.

When I was in the infirmary I put Lucy on the closest bed to the door. When the door opened Wendy came running in.

"What happened?" She asked as she looked over Lucy.

"I don't know I was going to her to go to you wh--" I was cut off by her.

"Go get her a change of clothes." She ordered me I nodded and went to my house and got a shite and some small track suit bottoms for her.

Wendy PoV

After Laxus left I took her clothes off to see her stomach bleeding and she was losing blood. I told Cana who had come in after Laxus had left to tell master to got Porlysica.

As I was trying to heal her wound Porlysica came running in not even five minutes before I asked Cana to ask master to get her.

"What happened?" She asked as she went to the other side of the bed.

"We were attack by Raven Tail and she was sent flying. We were lucky she didn't end up hitting the wall." I explained to her.

"Alright go out and get her some clothes and you need to rest." Porlysica told me I nodded to her and went out of the room.

Laxus was sitting by the door with some clothes. When he saw me he asked what was going on and I explained to him.

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