Lucy vs Zeref

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Everyone was outside waiting to get news from Lucy but they didn't get any. No one could get in, not even the great Freed could get though the enchantments, even Levy couldn't read them and she could read all languages even the lost language. She and Gajeel had got there as soon as Laxus had shouted 'what' because he couldn't believe his ears.

While they were all waiting they saw a black pillar came from the tunnel Lucy was in and they all known it was Zeref's death pillar and no one survivors that. They believe this until white light was surrounding them and they could never forget the warm feeling of Lucy's Angel's protection and they all believe and known she was still her and alive.

To Lucy and Zeref fight.

Lucy was looking at Zeref who looked shocked that she was still standing after one of his death attacks. She just smiled at him.

"CELESTIAL DRAGON ROAR!!" She shouts and a gold and silver beam of light came of her mouth. It hit Zeref head on making him go back meter. He was completely shocked no one has ever got him to go back from an attack.

"How did you do that?" He asked her. She just smirks at him. "Tell me NOW!" He demands but she didn't even flinch.

"Well my good sorry I mean bad sir I am the Celestial dragon slayer the strongest one but that only counts if you are trusted by Celest the Celestial dragon and the spirits and the almighty spirit leader the spirit king and I do all so I am the Angel slayer. And that my good enemy is all you getting." She explained.

"CELESTIAL DRAGON WING ATTACK!!" She shouts and two wings one gold the other silver had grown on her arms and she attacked Zeref sending him to the wall with a huge bang and dust covering everything.

Lucy knowing he will try something put her dragon census to the test and she's glad she did.

"Death's orb." Zeref whispers hopping Lucy didn't hear it but he over looked the fact that she had just told him she was a dragon slayer.

Lucy looked around for the orb and then she remembers two spells that if you use both you could lose your life but she didn't want all her family and friends to lose their lives when she could of did something about it but she needed time to enchant them so she told her spirits if they could use their own magic to come and help her and they all agreed. While they were coming Lucy stopped the death orb with using Angel's protection on herself.

The reason for all of them agreeing is because they have seen her alone most of her life and they didn't want her to go though it again. The first time she smiled for real was went she first joined the guild, when she meet Porlysica and she helped her and the most beautiful smile they saw was when she had made a new contract with a new spirit. Each time the smile was the same but it wasn't because each one was meant for only one spirit and them alone but she lover all her spirits and all the spirits in the spirit world.

All at once all the spirits in the in the spirit world were in front of her apart from one... Leo the lion but not after he appeared with the spirit king in his smaller form so he wouldn't make the cave in the middle of the tunnel collapse.

"My old friend you do what you have to do we will deal with him while you enchant the spell and we will give you enough time to do one then you will have to find a way to do the other." The spirit king explained to her and she nods.

"ALRIGHT ALL SPIRITS APART FROM THE ZODIAC AND THE FORBIDDEN SPIRITS ATTACK!!" The spirit king shout and they do what they were told.

"Alright princess start to enchant you first spell and when you have all the other spirits will go back apart from us." Leo explained and she nodded.

While all the other spirits were fighting against Zeref along side the spirit king they all looked determined to protect their princess from any danger. The zodiac and the Forbidden spirits were standing back waiting for the second spell which would be a life or death spell. Lucy started to enchant the first one.

"Oh Angels above you are the protecters of the innocent, you protect those with pure hearts and minds of protecting others. You are the light of the world, the light of the universe, the light of the galaxy. You are my connection to the heavens, you help me bid the world of evil. I call forth the five Angel's spirits Mai, Emiko, Hoshiko, kioko, Meako and the forbidden Angel Haya. Come at my command and fight by my side, ANGELS!" When she finished enchanting the spell the spirits are all gone apart from those that was staying.

The next thing they could hear is the roof of the cave blowing upwards and on to the surrounding landscape and a beam of pure white light that's blinding came from the sky and landed where all the other spirits where. After the light was gone along with the smoke six Angels stood there facing Lucy. (Ones above saying their names next to them on the first page).

"What is it you want us to do Lady Lucy?" One of them asked.

"Fight along side the zodiac and forbidden spirits and get Zeref weak so I can do that." She explained. They were shocked at first but they known she had the purest heart they have ever seen.

"Understood." They all said at the same time and turned around to Zeref and started to attack a long eith the other spirits. Lucy was going to start to enchant the other spell but Zeref shouted...

"VIRUS!" And Lucy felt like her insides were trying to get out.

"Haha, you won't live the only people who can survivor that are Sky dragon slayers." He says. But when he saw none of her comrades moving he was confused. "Why aren't your comrades helping you?" He asked and looked at Lucy who was smirking.

"Sky dragon healing." She says and the virus leaves her body and she stands up like nothing happened.

"Now my friends please keep him busy." Lucy asked while telling them and they nod and attack Zeref who was standing shocked.

"I am the Angel slayer, protecter of the good and innocent. I fight alongside the Angels, Spirits and Fairy's to protect those who are pure at heart. I fly with the Angels, they are my connection to the heavens, to the light of the world. They give me my power to do what's right, to help those who gave their life protecting the people who need protecting. I fight with the Angels to protect what's important to me, my friends, family and my friends for the future that I have yet to meet along with new family. I will purify anything or anyone who or what's want a new start. I call forth the PURIFYING ANGEL TIEN!"

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