Will she be okay

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Laxus PoV

It's been two hours since Porlysica went in and she hasn't said anything to us even the master. 'I hope Lucy is alright.' I was thinking when master came over to me.

"Laxus my boy, I known you are worried but you need to eat. Do you think Lucy will want to see you and your stomach is going off?" He told me with his voice full of concern about both me and Lucy.

"Fine gramps I'll go and get something to eat but then I'm sitting straight back here." I told him.

"Fine I can't blame you no one has left or is going to leave until they know Lucy is alright. Not even Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen." Gramps explained to me.

After gramps explained what was happening with everyone I decided I would go and have something to eat. As I walk round the corner everyone looked at me and gramps and Gildarts and Cana walked up to us.

"Will she be alright?" Cana asked completely worried about her sister.

"I'm sorry but Porlysica still hasn't come out yet and I didn't want to go in and my stomach rumbles because I don't want to worry her." I explained to them as I sat down and got something to eat.

After I had told everyone what was going on they all were getting something to eat. After I had finished what I was eating, like I told gramps I went and sat by the infirmary door again.

Makarov PoV

I was sitting at the bar with Mira watching all the worried guild mates as we all waited for Porlysica to come out, and as Laxus had told me he sat by the door again.

"Master is Laxus going to be alright? He really does care about Lucy." Mira asked me worried about her follow guild mates.

"He! Sometimes I think the only person on this planet for Laxus is Lucy. Do you remember the first year Lucy had gone his attitude had changed completely but now he is back to the way he used to be?" I asked Mira.

"Do you think that she I'd his mate?" Mira said with excitement in her voice and I known straight away that her match making demon has awaken from its sleep after getting Romeo and Wendy together at the age of fourteen and they are now fifth-teen and are still together.

I didn't say anything but I regret that know because she now knows and Laxus is going to kill me. I just sit there hoping that all my children will be alright by the end of the day. Also Lucy is alright and can have people visit her.

Mira PoV

I had been with master since the incident because if I wasn't then he would have had half of the guild drunk by now also I can get gossip out of the master and I did. Even if it was going to kill me I was going to get Laxus to confess to Lucy. I know she likes him but she doesn't want to admit it.

"So master how long as Laxus liked Lucy?" I asked master planing on how to get them together.

"I'm not telling the match making demon Mira also it's not the time for that." Master told me and I pouted.

I known what he meant because one of the family was in the infirmary and no one known what was going on, not even Laxus. I thought Laxus would have stormed in there demanding to know what was going on.

I known everyone cared for lucy like a sister or daughter because they wouldn't eat until Laxus explained what would happen if you went in there with an empty stomach, Lucy would be so worried so wouldn't be able to hide it.

Wendy PoV

The guild was so worried about Lucy-nee, so was I. Even if we didn't know each other that well she said that I was her little sister I was so happy I hugged her for atleast five minutes, she didn't push me back she jutted hugged me.

Ever since she came back a lot of people were happier then they were when Lisanna came back. You could tell Lisanna loved Lucy like a sister. Who wouldn't? She was kind, beautiful and she looked out for others before herself.

"I hope Porlysica comes out soon with news." I said to no one in particular while sitting on Romeo's lap.

"It's alright Wen Lucy-nee is strong she wouldn't let something like this get her down." Romeo told me while hugging me closer to him. I nodded.

I loved Romeo he was always there for me. We started to date when I was fifteen, it's been a year since then and two since I started Fairy Tail after team Natsu helped me.

Normal PoV

Everyone was thinking of what to do while some members sat and thought about how Lucy had joined and how shy she first was then she opened up to everyone.

Every now and then you could hear one of the guild mates laughing because they were thinking how Lucy had done something silly like nearly falling down the stairs after talking to the master but Laxus would run and catch her just in time.

Everyone thought how Laxus and Lucy were always together and after Lucy left to train he had changed but now he was the same Laxus as they were kids and so was Lucy.

While everyone was in deep thought they heard Laxus speaking.

"How is she Porlysica?" As soon as he had said that name everyone had ran to the infirmary door to hear what she was going to say.

Porlysica PoV

As I walked out the door a blonde male asked me how Lucy was and as soon he had finished the whole guild were around in a split second.

"She will be alright but I need clothes to put on her before any male can she her." After I had finished saying that the blonde male gave me a bag of clothes.

"We already had some ready to give you." He said as he handed me the bag. I nodded and went back into the infirmary room.

"How does everyone look?" The blonde lying on the bed asked me. I smiled at her.

"Don't worry they have eaten the blonde male Laxus explained that you would be mad if they didn't eat." I told her and she looked like she had just relaxed.

"That's good." She said as she slowly got up to put on the clothes and by the looks of it it was a males purple shirt and black track suit bottoms but they were small.

"Geez, he could have gotten some trainers and socks." She said smiling.

"Alright let's get you changed before the guild gets impatient and comes bargaining in here." I told her as she stood on her feet.

After a couple of minutes she had put on the clothes and was sitting on the bed again. I walked up to the door and opened it and all the guild came running in and hugged Lucy not too hard to open up her wound again.

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