Chapter 11- The Truth + Ice cream

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-Y/n POV-

I'm laying in bed because I just woke up and all of a sudden I hear a knock on my door. I don't even mind wiping away the mascara running down my face I just go downstairs. When I open the door it's none other than Christopher Sturniolo.

I try to shut the door but he sticks his foot in between it. "Y/n please let me talk to you.. let me explain and let me see the pictures." I hesitate but I let him in not wanting to make the situation worse.

He comes in my room and asks to show him the pictures so when I do, he chuckles. "Chris this isn't funny. You cheated on me." "Oh my lord... y/n that's not me..." "WELL WHO IS IT THEN CAUSE ITS YOUR HAIR AND YOUR BUILD AND DONT EVEN SAY ITS NOT YOU BECAUSE THATS YOUR HAIR!" "Y/n, that's Matt when he had long hair... see, look you can slightly see one of his tattoos." He points to a tattoo and I sigh.

"Oh my god Chris I am so sorry I can't believe I would ever even think that you would actually cheat on me I'm so stupid please forgive me I should have looked closer and I-" "Y/n!" He yells so I step back. "I'm so sorry I did not mean to yell but I'm not mad at you it was a little mistake and I would've believed those pics too." "You're not mad? You promise?"  "I promise." He kisses me and I immediately kiss back. "I'm so sorry Chris... can we hangout for a while..." I say looking down but he grabs my chin and pulls my face up to look at him. "Of course we can sweetheart let me text Matt that I'm staying her for a while. "OH SHIT I HABE TO APOLIGIZE TO MATT AND UNBLOCK YOU!" I pull out my phone, unblock both of them and text Matt.

 "OH SHIT I HABE TO APOLIGIZE TO MATT AND UNBLOCK YOU!" I pull out my phone, unblock both of them and text Matt

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"Okay now that I've done that do you wanna go get food?" I ask "Yesss I'm starving!" "Okay how about.... SUSHI!" "YES PLEASE" he says throwing me my keys and running. We get in the car and I say "I CALL AUX!" So he sits the aux cord down and says "Ok then I call paying!" "No, Chris I'm paying for myself." I get serious "Nope to late this is a date a man always pays on a date." He says in a British accent, I laugh and start to drive while we argue about who's paying.

Once we get to the Sushi place we decide that we'll just get some rolls to share. "Hello, my name is Crystal and I'll be waiting on you today what- y/n?!" "Oh my lorddd! Hey Crystal long time no see how are you?" "I'm great! We have to catch up soon!" We start to talk but her manager says "Less talking more waiting" so she asks what we wants to drink "I'll take a Diet Pepsi and he'll take a Pepsi" I say. "Okay see you soon with those!" She walks off.

"Who's that? Not to sound mean or anything." "Oh that's my childhood friend Crystal she's really nice." "Ohhh okay!" Me and Chris tak some more and I say "Wait! What if I pay and you get the tip?" "Orr I can pay for all of it.." "Chris no! The most I'll let you do os the Check you are not doing it all!" "Ok fine I'll get the check... *mutter mutter mutter*" "What'd you say at the end?" "Nothing! Oh look here's our drinks!"

We decide to order a rainbow roll and a Las Vegas roll to start. We get the rolls and split them in half each getting 4 pieces. Once we're done with those we get a deep fried roll and a crunchy spicy tuna roll. After we eat Chris pays the check and the total is $54.79 and I tip Crystal $40 because she deserves every penny.

Crystal grabs Chris' card and he says "Oh by the way we're getting ice cream after this." "Oh alright! OMG IM GONNA GET SUPERMAN" he stares at me in awe. He keeps saying I'm cute when I'm excited and it makes me smile so much. "Y/n you're so pretty." "OH MY LORDDD" I lay my head down on the table pretending to die. "Chris you're literally so handsome and funny. Like I FR mean it." "Oh mY lOrD" he pretends to die like I did and I laugh.

Crystal brings us our checks and we leave to go get ice cream. Once we're there Chris runs in and I walk in. When I walk in there's someone in like behind Chris so I get in line behind the random guy. I hear Chris order and then it's the next guys turn. He gets a cookies n cream 2 scoop cone.

When it's my turn I order a 3 scoop Superman in a cup and when I pull out my card the lady said "Oh the guy over there paid for you." She points somewhere and I see Chris eating his ice cream. "My goodness." I say and walk over to Chris "Chris?! Really?" "What? I paid for you."
"How did you even pay for me?" I ask genuinely curious. "I asked the lady to save my information and pay for the pretty lady in the back of the line." "STOPPPPP" I fall on his shoulder and he giggles. "You're literally so sweet Chris" "Thank you sweeetheart." He kisses my head and I hear a barista say "Y/n?!" So I walk over and grab it.

The barista stops me and says "Your gorgeous wanna go out sometime?" "Ummm I'm actually taken by the guy over there." I say pointing at Chris. "That scronny kid? He won't know come on I'm way better looking than him." "No I'm really ok your kind of a douche..." I walk back over to Chris and decide to tell him right then.

"Chris u see that barista?" "Yeah why?" "He tried to get with me and when I said no he said "He doesn't have to know." So I said no again and called him a douche but he keeps staring at me."
"Let me talk to him really quickly." He says standing up. "Chris do not cause a scene." "I won't I won't."

-Chris' POV-

I was fuming. I walk over to this barista and say "Why are you meat riding my girlfriend? You barely even know her man." "Oooooo I'm sooo scareddd" He says in a teasing voice. "Just leave her alone and stop staring at her." He doesn't say anything he just comes out from behind the counter and punches me.

-Y/n's POV-

He walks out from behind the counter and punches Chris. "OH MY GOD CHRIS ARE YOU OKAY?" Chris fell and I sand over to him and help him back up. "We are pressing charges!" I say walking Chris out of the ice cream shop.

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