Chapter 2 - Sleepover

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TW: S3LF H4RM I'll put a warning for when it starts and ends.

-Time Skip To Friday-

"Hey y/n/n (Your Nick name) wanna come over" Matt says over the speaker of my phone "NO!" I hear Chris yell. "You know what just because Chris said no I'm coming." "Okay so you soon y/n/n!" Matt and Nick say at the same time "Stop doing that it freaks me out" I say "But see you in 15 minutes!" I hang up before I hear Chris say anything. I take off my crewneck and change into a band T-shirt and then I take of my shorts

⚠️ MENTION OF SH!! revealing my scars but that was 4 years ago it'll be 5 years in December though. It all started when I was 13 and my grandpa passed. We were very close and so I started to SH. But that was in the past and I don't do it anymore. ⚠️ SH MENTION OVER

I walk up to the triplets door and just walk in. Marylou said that I'm always welcome and I can just walk in whenever. I hear Chris and a girl screaming at eachother I'm his room, Inwas gonna go annoy him but instead I walk to the kitchen with Matt and Nick. "Hey y/n/n!" Nick says giving me a hug then its Matt's turn. "Y/n do you wanna sleepover? You can stay in my room!" Matt offers "Of course! Let me tell my mom."

Mama 🩷:

                                         Hey Mama I'm gonna stay
                                         the night at Matt's house!
                                         What time do I need to be
Okay! Come home whenever
we don't have plans! Have fun 🩷

                                       Thanks! I will! Love you  🫶
I love you to y/n/n      

"My mom said I can stay as long as I want tomorrow soooo do you guys wanna pull an all-nighter." I continue not even realizing that Chris and this mystery girl are still arguing. "WELL MAYBE IF YOU PAYED MORE ATTENTION TO ME I WOULDNT CHEAT ON YOU!" I hear the girl yell. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Chris tells with his voice breaking at the end. I hear stomping and see Amber walking out of the house. Of course it was that hoebag.

-2 years ago-

"AMBER WHY TF WOULD YOU SLEEP WITH TOM YOU KNEW WE WERE DATING!" "I just felt like it." That was the only "reason" she had. So I kicked her out of my house and told her to never contact me again.


"Bye bye Amber!" I yell as she storms out.
Chris walks down the stairs and he has a busted lip. "What happened to you?" I asked genuinely curious. "Oh my god Chris!" Matt yells running over to him and Chris just hugs him. I walk over to the sink and grab a paper towel and wet it, I walk over to Chris and dab his lip with the towel while holding his chin with the other hand. Matt and Nick look at us whispering something while I continue to clean his lip.

After I wipe it with my thumb I throw away the paper towel and he thanks me while I walk into Matt's room cause the triplets needed to talk.

-Chris' POV-

"Why did you need to talk to me?" I ask Matt and Nick while they just stand there. "You like her don't you?" "Who?" "Queen Elizabeth." Nick says sarcastically "Y/n!" Matt exclaims. "What? Y/n? No! Never!" I say in a stern tone."Yep, you like her." I just stomp up to my room.

-Y/n POV-

I walk upstairs and suddenly I feel goosebumps appear on my skin. I go to Matt's room to grab a hoodie but I don't see any I want so I go to Chris' closet. I walk into his room and look in his closet I see the one I want. It was black with the lyrical lemonade logo. I start to take it when he walks in. "Why are you in my closet? Ohhhh Nevermind it's because you love me" "Shut up Christopher I got cold and Matt doesn't have good style when it comes to hoodies" "So you're saying I have good style?" "I guess" I shrug and bump into him as I'm walking out.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and see Matt and Nick making themselves a bowl of ice cream so I grab a bowl and take some with chocolate syrup. I sit down on the couch and start eating when I hear the door open. It's Matt's girlfriend Amanda god I hate her. She walks over to the couch we're me Matt and Nick are sitting "You're always eating aren't you y/n, you are such a fatass damn." Amanda says trying to impress Matt. I can't even say anything. I know she didn't mean it but it hurt. Truly it hurt. I've always been called fat and pretty much everyone knows it's my biggest insecurity. Even Chris knows not to call me fat or talk about how much I eat.

"What the fuck Amanda!" Matt yells. "That's my best friend you can't come in her and just say that shit to her!" "I'm sowwy baby I didnt mean it" she says with puppy dog eyes. Nick starts laughing as loud as possible. I'm still frozen. Am I really that fat? I look down at myself, yes.I sit my bowl down and go to the bathroom. I look in my makeup bag and

⚠️TW: SH: I look for my eyebrow pencil sharpener and hit it against the counter until the blade falls out. I look at my thighs and roll up my shorts and trace my fingers over the scars. I think about it for a minute and I touch the blade to my skin thinking about Amanda's words but before I can do anything the door opens. It's him. "Y/n what are you doing!" He runs over to me and throws the blade in the trash. "You've been clean for 4 years why are you even considering starting this again!" I just cry. Chris grabs me and I cry into the crook of his neck. "What happened why are you doing this?" He sounds.. sincere? "Why do you care you hate me." I say wiping my tears "I might not like you but you're my brothers best friend." "Amanda... she-she called me a fates saying I'm always eating..." I start to cry again. "Don't let her get to you she's a bitch that thinks she's cool for being mean." ⚠️ SH OVER

"Thanks but I still don't like you." I hug him and get up. I walk out back into the living room and Amanda's gone and Matt is crying in Nicks arms. "What happened?" I asked Matt he just started crying again. I sit down and hug him. "You don't have to tell me now just when you're ready." I say getting up. "No. It's okay" he says sniffling. "Amanda, she starting talking bad about Nick so I broke up with her and she told me she.. she- she never liked me and she cheated on me." "Oh Matty I'm so sorry..." I say hoping to comfort him as he sits in my and Nic's arms.

-Time Skip To 12:34AM-
We're all playing Mario Kart it's me and Matt versus Nick and Chris. Once we are finished (Me and Matt won) I check my phone and my friend Crystal had been texting me asking to hangout. I love hanging out with her but I wanna hangout with the triplets. Well, except for Chris. "You guys wanna go live?" Nick asks. "Sure! Let's go to my room and we can play a game." Chris suggests. We walk up to his room and I sit down on the bed. Next thing I know I'm asleep.

Word count: 1255

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