Chapter 3: Viggo

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Thyra POV

I anxiously tap my foot up and down. It feels like Ace and Marcus left ages ago already. I know it's (probably) not that long, but still. 

I feel that jittery feeling in my body, I just can't sit still, which is kind of bad, seeing as I'm in hostile territory. If I'm not careful, someone might find me.

Did Ace and Marcus still not reach the camp? Or did they perhaps forget? Should I go after them? Nah, that's probably a bad idea. 

Dread suddenly fills my stomach at the thought. What if they told everyone I'm here? What if a team of hunters will come to kill me?

Suddenly convinced that people will come to kill me, or worse, bring me to Krogan so I can get tortured, I run behind a tree. 

After being crouched down behind it for a while, I don't feel safe enough and I climb in the tree. At least they need arrows to kill me now.

Maybe I should just leave... But what if Viggo does show up? 

The fact that I don't know anything at all is so frustrating! I grit my teeth and try my hardest to ignore the urge to do something rash.

When the sun starts to get up, I start to feel the lack of sleep. I'm suddenly very aware of the fact that I've been up all day scouting, and then all night listening to Krogan, meeting Ace and Marcus, and waiting for my brother to show up.

I suppress a yawn and look down. No one yet.

I sigh and lie down on the branch I was previously sitting on. I'll just close my eyes for a moment, not that long...

It was definitely longer than a moment. As soon as I open my eyes again, the sun is already halfway to its apex point. I quickly sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes and climb down.

What if Viggo came but I missed him? What if I ruined everything? 

I feel a tad angry and ashamed with myself. I'm also too nervous for my own liking. As soon as I hear a twig break, I jump around, scared it might be Krogan or one of his soldiers, hoping it might be Viggo. But it's none of those, it's just a bunny. 

I huff. 'Dear gods, you scared me little one.'

The bunny tilts his head, unaware of what I'm saying. I cautiously take a step forward, but the bunny immediately tenses up, alerted, and then sprints away.

'Ahw, come on, I'm not that scary am I?'

The hairs on my neck stand up before I can even finish my sentence. Without a second thought, I turn around. My sword is pressed against the throat of whoever tried to sneak up on me. 

'I beg to differ, that was quite scary.' 

Viggo raises his hands in surrender, but I can make up the smirk from underneath his hood. 

I feel frozen, as if time stopped at this very moment. Viggo doesn't move either, he just looks at me, I think. 

'I can't believe you're here.' He says eventually.

I quickly regain my senses and put my sword away, Viggo lowers his hands. 'I thought Krogan would test me, ordering those hunters to say you're here to see where my loyalties lie. Then I realized he doesn't know your name, so it couldn't be him.'

I'm still just staring at him. Then I slowly take a step forward and reach out for his hood. Viggo gently grabs my hands before I can remove it. 'You don't want that.'

I look up to (where I think) his eyes are. I want to. And he knows it. My eyes must show the determination, they must show him how sure I am about this, because he finally, slowly, releases my hands. As if still unsure whether this is a good idea or not. 

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