chapter thirty eight

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this is a short chapter !

celeste and jason. how can we forget the second pair of parents who also tried to kill aurora?

akeem hadn't spoken to his parents in so long, he basically had forgotten about them. they were irrelevant. the last time they spoke was when akeem questioned what they did to aurora.

since then, he hasn't heard from them.

why? where were celeste and jason? ... they were on the run. they; or more specifically jason believed that aurora would be coming back to get revenge, so he made a plan.

- run and never look back. it was a solid plan, they didn't have anyone holding them back. so what made them stop at the train station?

why were they sitting on a bench questioning whether or not they should leave?

"what are we waiting for?" celeste asked, hurriedly looking around the dimmed station which barely consisted of people.

jason swallowed his spit, his leg shaking. "i-i don't know."

"what?! this was your plan!" celeste snapped. "i know celeste!"

jason pulls at his hair, clearly stressed. he was confused, he was leaving behind his daughter. his babygirl. was it the right decision? was he doing the right thing?

was it a good idea to leave aurora behind to deal with his crazy wife?

"your overthinking." celeste shook her head.

"i'm aware of that, thank you." jason snaps, "just be quiet. i need to think."

"you had time to think for the past 3 weeks. you were so sure that this was the right thing, now your questioning it? if we stay here, catherine will kill us."

"no she won't." he denied, not believing his ex wife would hurt him. "and what makes you think she won't jason? you took aurora away from her, you cheated on her with me, had a child on her, she has every right to hurt you."

"she loves me."

"sure she does." celeste rolls her eyes. "maybe you two belong together." she scoffs, "you trapped aurora in a basement, chased her in the forest with a gun. she ordered for her to be killed, you two are a match made in hell."

jason tuned her out, looking around the station as if it'll give him the answer he's looking for.

"i need closure."

"closure? your a fucking joke jason." celeste laughs obnoxiously. "why do you need closure? you aren't the victim of all of this."

"i'm leaving my daughter behind celeste!"

"the daughter you also tortured. you don't need fucking closure. you don't need closure for something that didn't hurt you."

celeste grabbed her bags, and stood up. "i'm
leaving. i'm not gonna sit here and wait around all day for you to finally make up your mind."

"just know this, catherine doesn't love you. aurora doesn't love you, and neither does akeem. you ruined every possible relationship with your family. including me. i'm sick of your shit, i lied to akeem about you hurting aurora. i shouldn't have did that, you-we were supposed to protect aurora, we were supposed to give aurora the love she needed, but you let fucking catherine get in your head, and look where it got you now!- with no fucking family." celeste inhaled harshly. jason looked up at her, listening to her rant.

"if you wanna stay, then stay. by all means go ahead. you will rot in new york, catherine will kill you. if not her, maybe even aurora. but i wont stick around to see it."

celeste finished talking and quickly walked off. she felt guilty about leaving jason, but she needed to do it.

jason sat on the bench, still complementing his decisions. he knew he made the biggest mistake of his life. not giving his daughter the father she needed.

he allowed catherine to get into his head, something she was great at. catherine was manipulative, secretive, selfish. she used his feelings for him, to her advantage.

KENNNEXTDOORRR i made this chap short, because it isn't really all that important. trust me when i say, this is not the last of celeste or jason.

𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , sugarhill ddot (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now