Chapter 29

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"Alright, you remember the plan, right?" Taehyun said as he was hanging the poster in the practice room. I nodded, and he turned to me, "I can't be there, but I wish you luck," Taehyun said. After (Y/N) and I got to school, Taehyun took me and dragged me to the band room.

He told me to do it at lunch when it's just me and (Y/N) we got permission to hang the poster from the band teacher. He is a sucker for young love, apparently. "Are you guys done yet?" Huening Kai was outside the practice room waiting.

"Yup thanks" I said, handing the roll of tape to Hyuka. "I'll give this back to the teacher. You guys should go, don't be late" He said as he walked to the band office.

Taehyun waved and gave a thumbs up as he took off running. It was obviously my que to run as well.

I was sitting in class talking with Daniel watching the door. The bell was gonna ring soon, and yunho wasn't here.

"They said they had to turn the Language project in," Daniel said, looking at the door as well. "Sorry I just don't want him to get in trouble with the security guards again" I shifted in my seat.

At our school, if the bell rings and you're in the hall, you get sent to the auditorium for the hour, and you have to go to detention either after school or during lunch. "If he is late, then the teacher should write him a pass he will be fine" Daniel then started taking his books out.

The bell rang, and the teacher came in, shutting the door. Shoot. Soobin turned back and looked at me mouthing, yunho. I just shrugged my shoulders.

I walked to the band room by myself, Yunho got detention. As I entered, I saw the band teacher and greeted him like always. "Where is your tall friend?" I shook my head, "He was 2 seconds late to first hour.

The teacher nods "It's a shame it would have been cute" he then walked away, leaving me confused. As i got into the practice room, i turned the light on to see a yellow poster that wrote

"I May Not be with you in 번드, But i can be with you at the 춤, Hoco?"

I don't know what the korean says, but i understood everything else. Yunho was going to ask me to homecoming? I turned the light off and went to the library where detention is.

When i walked into the library, the woman asked me if i was scheduled to be here, and i told her i just was. i then saw yunho awkwardly staring at me. When I went over to him and sat, his eyes followed me.

"Why are you-"

"shh keep looking forward and stay quiet" he did, as i said. "Yes" i said, smiling some. "Yes?" looking at me again "I said, look forward, or we will get in trouble" he looked to the front again. "Yes ill go to homecoming with you." he turned and looked at me with his eyes wide "You saw the poster?"

"Yes i saw the poster now face forward. If you get in trouble, you won't be allowed to go to the dance" he looked forward again. "What was the korean writing?" i asked "It says Band and Dance. Beomgyu thought it would be cute if i did korean words" yunho fiddled with his fingers, and I smiled, seeing him nervous.

"Thanks for asking me. I've never gone before." we sat there for the rest of lunch joking with each other a little and tried not to get caught.

Yunho POV
When i got into language class, i was met by a dramatic taehyun hugging me, "Its all ruined my pour student. How could you let yourself get detention" he fake cried.

"She said yes-" "its fine. we can try again tomorrow. I'll have hyuka get permission to keep the poaster there" taehyun cut me off, ignoring what i said. hyunjin just shook his head.

"Taehyun She said yes" i said again this time catching his attention.(does anyone else spell attention now by singing new jeans song like A t t e n t i on attention is what i want... just me... oh ok)

"Wait, Jinja???" i nodded, and he then hugged me tighter "Oh you giant Retreiver congrats" he then let go "How did you ask then?" beomgyu said, leaning back in his chair. "She still went to the room and saw the poster on the wall. She then lied and said she had detention so she could tell me yes" I explained to them.

"My student got a girl to get detention for him. Look at him. I've never been so proud," he wiped and imaginary tear off his face. We sat down and got started on class work. Our Quarter 1 test is coming up, and i need to pass it.

"OH MY GOD (Y/N)!" I covered kais mouth. "You need to stop being so loud" i removed my hand and went to puting my instrument together. "But he asked you, and you said yes, that's so cute" I shook my head at his excitement.

"Do you have a date?" he shook his head "Imma lone wolf it" he made a "cool face". "Dork" i put my case away. "Says the girl who went to detention just to tell a guy yes" i side eyed him.

"have you told yeonjun?" hyuka asked, organizing some music "no he'll find out eventually. Besides, I have other things to worry about."

Kai looked at me weird, "do you have a test?" I shook my head. "I don't have anything to wear," I sighed. "Are you free after school?" He said, I started tuning my instrument. "Yeah, I think so. I just need to take yunho home."

"Great, I'll meet you at your car," Before I could question it, he went to his area so that class could start.

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