Chapter 11

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August 31 2017...

"Eomma!" i woke up. They came back. Everything i was escaping

This was the first nightmare since i came to america. I dont understand why though, everything was doing just fine. Ive been in school for like 5 days now, i talked to my dad the other day and everything was fine with him. Why is it coming back, america was my escape.

I got up and left closing my door quietly so i didnt wake anyone up. I needed something to drink.

I opened the kitchen gate and entered

"Why are you Awke?"


I jumped from the figure sitting at the island. (Y/N) shushed me "My mom is sleeping". I grabbed my chest trying to catch my breath.

"You scare me why are you up."

"I asked first"

"cant sleep thats all."

She put the book she was reading to the side. "I heard you scream. Did you have a nightmare?"

I opened the cabinet getting a glass for water. "Just dream about falling" i gave a small smile. "What does oma mean?" i looked at her confused as i filled the glass. "Its what you yelled, im assuming it korean?" darn these thin walls.

"Its Eomma, Korean for Mother or Mom." she nodded making an O shape with her mouth. "If you dont mind me asking what happened to her? Your profile didnt list her?" i started choking on the water.

"Im sorry you dont have to answer" i hit my chest and set the glass down.

"I dont know what happened to her but i know that look. Its the same look i give when people bring up my father. When i was little he was called back to the military and sent to iraq. They never did find his body but its been so long they just assumed he was dead by now. He was M.I.A" she was looking down at the ground.

Everything she said explained our first meeting. If i had known then i would have just shut up.

"Eomma. She was caught in a house fire. The roof collapsed and she was under it. why i came to america." it was quiet. We both just looked down for a while.

"Im sorry about your mom." she broke the silence.

"Im sorry about your dad" it was quiet once again, i looked up seening her fidgeting with the padges of her book.

"Um i dont really know if your the hugging type but i think we could both really use one" (Y/N) awkwardly laughed.

I went over to her slowly and gave her a hug. She was right, we both needed it so why would i refuse.

"God arent emotions so stupid." she spoke as she started crying

We stayed like that for a min when she finally let go and wiped some tears away.

"If you want we could sit on couch and talk. It might help." She nodded and got up going towards the couch. At first it was quiet until she started telling a story about her and her brother. We manly just told funny storries. I think we talked for about an hour.

"Wait, you have a brother?" she asked "Mhm, his name Gunho. I have seen him since I got on plane."

"Older or younger"

"Younger" I then went to grab my phone but it wasnt in my pocket. "My phone is on the stand i can show you pictures?" she nodded "I be back" I got up and went to my room grabbing my phone.

When i came back out (Y/N) was sound asleep. I looked at the clock seeing it say 2:45. I dont know why she was out her in the first place but im not gonna pry.

I picked her up carefully trying not to wake her and i took her to her room. I didnt want to just leave her on the couch. That can cause back injury. I tucked her in and looked around her room again.

She had so many medals and trophies. They all said different things. Bowling, Cheer, Dance, Softball, T Ball, Gymnastics, Wrestling, and even some awards for girl scouts. She was pretty active.

I then slowly closed the door and went to my room. I set a couple alarms to make sure I woke up for school on time. I then got a text from mingi.

I looked at the picture of all my friends and all I could do was smile

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I looked at the picture of all my friends and all I could do was smile.

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I really did miss them all, but I think there is a lot of good that can come from america. And I think it's on the other side of this wall.

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