Chapter 10

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The three of us entered and saw some students already here. We decided to take a seat in the back. The class had five flags hanging on the wall. Korea, Japan, America, and France,

Another student walked in and looked around and spotted us. He started towards us. "Can I join you guys?" he said in korean. I looked at the others and we nodded. "Thanks" he bowed "Im hyunjin"

"I'm Yunho," I replied, smiling. The rest introduced themselves. Were chatting about where in Korea we come from, when the teacher walked in as the bell rang.

"Hola, Bonjour, Annyeonghaseyo, and Konnichiwa. This. Is. The. English. Language. Class" he spoke his english spacing each word so we could understand better. "I am Mr. Montagne. but my. friends call me. Jason. So I hope. We will. Be. friends"

He looked around the class at everyone as if to make sure we understood. "Now. Everyone. Will say hello. In there. Language. then say. Something. About yourself. In. english. And where. You come from." he then said everything in the four languages so everyone could fully understand

One by one students introduced themselves. There were mainly kids from mexico. When it came to me I stood up and looked around "Annyeong I am Jeong Yunho, My Home is Gwangju in South Korea. And i am told that i r-resemble goldon retriever" i sat back down. I couldn't think of anything else other than what (Y/N) told me.

"AnneyEOngg-hAsseyO" Beomgyu stood up being extra "My name is Ben Choi Im from Daegu South Korea and i have a parrot named Toto" he spoke clear english. Then Taehyun stood up "Annyeong, I am Terry Kang, I'm from Gangnum-gu South Korea and am going to join the school swim team."

"Annyeong, I am Hyunjin from the capital of South Korea, Seoul. I am good at sketch drawings." His English was better than mine but still not perfect. Another student went and then it came to the last student.

"Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Choi San im from Namhee, South Gyeongsan in South korea. And My name means mountain in korean." The only ones from Korea were Beomgyu, Taehyun, Hyunjin, San and me. San sat back down and the teacher stood up.

"Bonjour My name Is Jason Montagne, I'm from Altona, Manitoba, Canada. My first language is French but I learned English when I moved to america."

The teacher explained more about the class like how to get out of it and the expectation to learn. He had to stop and say things in a different language for some kids. Anything i didnt understand taehyun would translate for me.

The bell rang saying 4th hour was over and most left fast. "Ill see you guys." Taehyun was the first to leave then beomgyu following. I was heading out right when san was.

"Hey a San Correct?" he stoped walking and turned to me. "Mhm" he hummed in reponse smiling. "I speak better korean is it ok if i talk like this?"

"Of course. You're Yunho right?" i nodded "So why did you come to america?" san asked me. I kind of froze up it had been a while since i had thought about the fire and my family. I had been distracted in a way.

"Oh um just for a new experience" he nodded agreeing. "Same" see now talking with the others was nice.

When I talked to San it just felt more like korea. Its as if the way he spoke was more. Authentic? San left because he had a different class from me. I was left to walk alone until i saw (Y/N).

"Oh Yunho come on class is gonna start we can't be late!" She yelled down the hall. That's when I heard the warning bell. I ran to catch up with her and we went into a room. There were already some students there, none that I knew.

All the desk were in pairs of 2 going down rows. Just like they would be in Korea except the desks were shaped like triangles. "I assume we can sit anywhere."

(Y/N) Pov

I sat down in the middle of a row and Yunho followed me. The bell rang and I didn't see any of the guys. I didn't really know anyone. I mean I've seen them around school and some of them were at Dan's party but I don't actually know any of them.

Most seniors know everyone and have their own group of friends by the time they are a senior. Not me though. I have tried to avoid people my whole life. I've learned that when you have people you care about, it's just more people to get hurt from.

I looked over seeing yunho yawning. "First day alot for you?" he chuckled and nodded. "Tiring"

By the end of the day it had seemed like yunho's battery was dead. He was walking really slow. Almost like a zombie. "So wanna hang out?" Dan asked, following us to my car.

"I have to work sorry" he groaned at my words. "You cant over work yourself. This is senior year. Your last year to be a teenager. I already know you plan on going to some fancy school to study"

"Yeah well you should start looking to. Before it's too late." he shook his head. "You need to losing up. Learn how to chill and be with friends. We could all graduate and never see each other again." i laugh at his comment "Whats so funny, i dont find it funny im gonna miss you..."

"Trust me dan im pretty sure im not gonna get rid of you so easy. Your probably gonna be visiting me non stop and being obnoxious to where i get kicked out." he then starts laughing with me.

"True. Well you better get him home he seems tired" Dan moved his hand infront of yunhos face and yunho seemed to have woke up. "Yeah ill see you dan"

When we got home yunho sat down on the couch hugging a pillow. "So tired..." he spoke in korean

"What was that?"


I shook my head and went to my room to get changed for work. When i came back out maverick had joind yunho on the couch. "Hey Yunho im going to work will you be ok by yourself?" he gave a small nod

"Ok. dont sleep to long or you wont sleep tonight. I think mom is working late again tonight. Ill be back before 7. Anything in the fridge is yours." i then left after seening him nod again.

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