Chapter 46 - Back to normal

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"Can we shift together?"

I'm curled up with my head on Nik's bare chest. Last night was amazing, as always. Nik and I are still very much in love and our mate bond is still intact although the same can't be said for the sire bond to Nik's relief. I'm not bothered by the fact we've broken the sire bond now, only annoyed that Nik will turn all his attention to my restrictive feeding.

"You've never wanted to do that before, why now?" Nik asks me curiously as he strokes up and down my bare back.

"I hadn't thought about it until now, I haven't actually seen your wolf. Don't you want to?"

"It sounds wonderful," my mate smiles back at me, his perfectly white teeth making me jealous. How is he so perfect? I bet his wolf is gorgeous too.

"Good," I peck him on the lips before laying back down on him. "Do you think I should go back to Stanford?"

"Well aren't you full of questions this morning," he pauses for a minute mulling over the options. "Do you think you're ready to go back? Do you want to?"

"I don't know," I admit. These worries have been plaguing me for weeks now and I'm glad he's calm approaching the possibility of me going back. "It's been about a year since I left, it would be a good time to start back but I don't know if I want to."

"You don't have to decide today, you have all the time in the world," Nik reassures me which puts my anxieties to rest. "I want you to stay here with me but if you want to go, don't let me stop you. Although I may find somewhere for us to live together if you do. You won't be able to keep me away."

"What? You'd leave New Orleans?"

"For you? I would," he replies with ease like he's not offering to up-end and move his life for me. I'm shocked at his answer but he doesn't seem to bat an eyelid. "We can always return. You forget we have forever, a few years for you to complete your medical degree is something I can easily make arrangements for. Just say the word and it's done."

I blink at him. I'm not sure what I expected him to say but it certainly wasn't that. I thought he'd probably be worried about the hex and unhappy for me to leave on my own. But I wouldn't be on my own. He'd come with me.

"I don't know..." I think aloud. "Maeve won't be there and I'm not sure if I even want to go. I mean, is there any point? I'm not human anymore..."

Nik stays silent allowing me to make the decision on my own. "I'll think about it," I finally decide to put off the decision. "I want to stay here for a while longer."

He nods in agreement and then flips us over so I'm lying on my back with him hovering over me.

"You smell so alluring today. My little hybrid, all covered in my scent from last night," he grins possessively.

"Nik!" I giggle when he starts kissing down my belly lower and lower. I close my eyes, allowing myself to surrender to the pleasure of our mate bond.

"Stop stop," I gasp trying to sit up and he pulls back immediately, worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong Claudia?" He asks urgently.

"I forgot I promised Rebekah and Maeve I'd meet them at 10 and I'm already late," I ramble on and he frowns. "We can continue this later, I'll just never hear the end of it if I keep them waiting and they'll know exactly why."

He rolls his eyes but stands up to get dressed. "Fine."

"Aww don't be grumpy now, you had me all last night," I pat his stomach and give him a light kiss on his cheek as I walk past to pick up some fresh clothes for the day. Maybe they'll hide his scent that's all over me but I doubt it. The girls will definitely tease me when they notice and I don't have time to shower.

Claudia Lockwood-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now