Chapter 31 -[smut] Completing the bond

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"I love you. I love you I love you I love you," I whisper and he hasn't moved. Hasn't said anything to show he's heard me.

He stands facing me with shock written across his features. I'm not sure why he is so surprised by my words. I know he has felt my love for him grow stronger each day through our bond, just as I have felt his.

"Say it again," he says lowly his eyes glittering with emotion. "Tell me again Claudia."

"I love you Nik," I repeat and the widest smile I've ever seen on him appears lighting up his handsome face. It makes me feel so guilty for not telling him earlier, when I first realised I loved him. "I'm sorry I waited this long to tell you. I wanted it to be perfect when I did but you could have died today and you never would have known."

"This is perfect my love, you're perfect. Too perfect for me."

"No you're the best mate anyone could ever wish for," I place my palms on his chin and gaze into his eyes. "I love you so much Nik. So much."

My eyes close and our lips meet. He kisses me so gently, ever so gently and all my worries of him, Tyler and the stake disappear from my mind. I don't even think about food or my next meal as my mate takes over my mind and consumes my every thought. All I can think of is him, him, him. Nik. My beautiful loving mate. How did I get this lucky?

"I love you Claudia," Nik pulls away from me to whisper quietly. "And I felt your love for me through the bond from the moment you realised it yourself. Don't apologise for waiting to tell me, I would wait another thousand years for you, to hear you say how much you love me aloud just as I love you."

"I love you," I return, relieved that he knew all along how much he means to me. How deeply I feel for him. I can't put it into words to describe it, my love for him is too powerful. And I can sense he is feeling the same way through our bond.

His arms wrap around my back and hold my waist, pulling me closer to him. The warmth radiating off his body is comforting, especially as I am always cold nowadays. His scent I know so well soothes all of my tensed and aching muscles.

This time our kiss is immediately deeper, both of us eager for more of each other. So much more. When I expect him to pull away, to tell me we should stop before we take it too far, he doesn't. His lips move over mine harder and I respond with the same enthusiasm. I can hardly breathe, his soft lips send tingles of excitement all throughout my body.

I wobble on my feet as he walks me backwards but he holds me steady until my back hits the wall behind me. Again, I expect him to pause and tell me we need to stop. That I'm unwell and we can't do anything further. But yet again he surprises me by continuing.

"I love you," he says and presses his body against mine. I am pinned to the wall as he starts kissing my jaw and neck, alternating with gentle kisses and strong, bold ones that push me hard into the wall behind me. I moan out and he grins at me holding my hands by my sides so I can't move to touch him.

One of his hands leaves mine and he wastes no time, quickly unzipping my jeans and unashamedly touching me through my underwear causing my eyes to close and I let out a breathy sigh.

"Niklaus, would you be so kind as to spare the rest of us from this rather unsavoury public show?" Elijah enters the room again. "Perhaps you could make use of one of the private rooms upstairs instead while I sort out Tyler's mess."

My face heats up like a flame and I know I'm blushing. Elijah is clearly amused even if he pretends not to be. Nik's hands remain down the front of my jeans and I'm mortified. Why does he have to constantly interrupt us?

Nik just laughs and picks me up in his arms before vamping us to the top of the stairs. "Are you sure you don't want to watch brother? You might learn a thing or two," he calls as he sets me back on my feet.

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