Chapter 40 - [smut] A Good Student

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"I'm hungry," I say to Nik and his jaw drops. Then the most delightful smile lights up his face.

"You're hungry," he repeats astonished. He is still gaping at me.

"Yes, can we have some proper food? I'm way too skinny and sickly pale. I didn't notice I looked this poorly."

"Yes, yes of course," he jumps up and looks towards the kitchen before changing his mind as he's overcome with happiness, practically tackling me on the sofa. It's a good thing I'm already lying down on it or I'd be thrown flat on the floor.

"I'm so happy you're feeling better Claudia. Thank God, I didn't know what to do," he crushes me tightly in a sudden embrace. "I was so worried the hex would convince you to leave me if I asked you to eat."

"I was worried about that deep down too," I confess to him. "I thought about it quite a few times if I'm honest but we don't have to panic about that anymore. I feel free and excited to eat food again."

I pull him towards me, my hands reaching to the back of his head as his mouth crashes over my own. He doesn't hesitate, not even for a second as he returns my kiss, deepening it immediately.

My hands snake down his broad chest and I slip my fingers into his boxers finding him hard already. My eyebrows shoot up questioningly as I tease him for it but he just shrugs.

"I'm always turned on around you love," he explains easily. "Please, do continue..."

He gestures to himself again and I roll my eyes. Although I do what he says and quickly free him from his jeans.

"Less of the attitude love, I was willing to look past it when you were ill but roll your eyes at me again and I won't be so forgiving," he warns in a low tone.

My eyes flick up to his in uncertainty and my hands freeze where they are. My pulse picks up audibly, the soft beating amplified by the eerie quiet in the house.

"Did I tell you to stop?" He questions demandingly but his eyes shine with his love for me. He holds my gaze while reaching down, his hands gently touching mine and he resumes my motion as I take him in my hand again and start to stroke up and down.

"No," I gulp nervously. I'm not ready to test him now but another time... I'll have to give him even more attitude and wait to see how unforgiving he will be then.

I squeeze my hands tighter around him. His head tilts back and his eyes close for a moment as he holds back a moan.

"So don't stop. I thought you told me you'd be a good student while I teach you all the new pleasures of being a vampire. That includes great sex, my love."

My cheeks heat up, I hardly considered that before I turned but he's not wrong. With enhanced senses, every atom of my body lights up when it comes into contact with his. Even more so than usual. Sex with him was mind blowing before I turned, I can't imagine how pleasurable it will be now.

I speed up my movements, then he stops me to remove the rest of his clothes and all of mine. I lie back down on the sofa and he pounces on me, bare skin brushing over bare skin as he kisses me again.

His kiss is rough and demanding and I have no reservations in giving the same back. His erection brushes over my inner thigh and my core clenches in anticipation. His tongue dances across my bottom lip and inside my mouth.

Our immense relief that I can eat combined with us releasing our painfully suppressed emotions, translates into intense passion leaving us so desperate for one another. I want him right now and it seems he is right there with me.

Claudia Lockwood-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now