Chapter 13 - First Full Moon

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It's the night of the full moon and I'm terrified. I won't admit it aloud to Dad or Nik but I'm pretty sure they both can tell anyway. I've been super quiet all day, hardly talking to either of them but they haven't minded and I'm grateful they've put aside their differences for once to actually help me. I'm glad Dad accepted my request for Nik's help, although it was more of a demand than a request on my part if I'm honest. I doubt Nik would silently leave without a fight if I changed my mind anyway.

Nik packs the last clear bottle containing Wolfsbane in the back of the car as my dad starts the engine. I get in the back and Nik sits next to me as I try to calm my nerves. He says something to me but I'm not listening as I stare blankly out the window wishing for the night to be over before it's even begun. The sense of dread that has filled me all day returns and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I draw in a shuddering breath and try to keep my hands steady. Nik watches me and glances at Dad before reaching over to hold my shaky hand in his. Immediately my emotions calm down as all I can focus on are the sparks at his touch. I briefly wonder if I feel them because we are both wolves.

Dad glares at our joined hands in the mirror. "Get your hands off my daughter," he snarls at Nik, already feeling the effects of the full moon when our bloodlust is highest.

"Dad, it's okay," I say to him, making eye contact in the mirror. He huffs making my blood boil but doesn't say anything further.

"Is it really such a problem?" I sit upright directing my sudden surge of anger towards my dad. "Nik is here to help, you need to get over yourself. He's told me much more than you ever did about being a wolf."

"I would have told you but you were a coward and ran away to be a whore for the Mikaelsons," my dad sneers at Nik and I and my mouth drops open. There's no way he just said that. By trying to hurt Nik, he hurt me far more. I lunge towards him but Nik holds me back, pinning me down with his free arm as I crush his other hand in my iron grip. If I wasn't so riled up I would be amazed at his strength, he doesn't seem to be putting in any effort at all.

"Mum would have told me everything years ago, it's your fault she's dead," I yell at Dad. I don't care that he's my dad and that it wasn't his fault she died. I don't care that I could kill us all for trying to attack my dad while driving. I don't care about anything, I'm furious with him. I know he blames himself for Mum's death so that's how I'll hurt him since Nik won't let me touch him. Where it will hurt the most. Nik says something to me again but I don't hear him over the pounding in my ears.

"Oh Claudia, wouldn't you like to know," Dad says darkly shaking his head. "In fact, maybe we could use a trip down memory lane. Klaus, what do -,"

"Enough, both of you," Nik speaks over us loudly to interrupt. "Claudia, you know we need you to be as calm as possible. Neither of you are helping. Stop."

His words, although irritated, calm me immensely and I regret blaming Mum's death on Dad. It wasn't his fault. It was an accident. Dad is clearly feeling the same as we both exchange apologies and Nik's arm moves from holding me away from Dad to the top of my left shoulder.

We arrive with plenty of time to spare. It looks like a dungeon, out in the middle of nowhere. I shudder. Dad and Nik were here yesterday ensuring all the chains were in good condition since they haven't needed to use more than one set at once for years. Dad told me Mum used to come here too and I look around for any sign of her but there is none.

Dad calls me over as he places my wrists in the holds and chains me down. My heart is beating so fast I'm sure everyone can hear but no one comments. I look over to Nik for reassurance and he nods his approval making me smile back at him.

Once I'm chained, Nik comes and sits down next to me as Dad repeats the process on himself. Nik brings over all the Wolfsbane we put in bottles of water and he opens two. One for me. One for Dad. The smell makes me nauseous and I force myself to hold the bottle up to my lips. Dad drinks a huge gulp and immediately seems like he's choking. I hesitate after him but after a few moments he instructs me to do the same.

It burns my throat as it goes down like acid and I wince in pain. Without me asking, Nik moves closer and wraps his arms around me and I feel better instantly. I don't know how but he takes the edge off the pain and Dad looks over at us curiously. I gain more confidence and take another swig of the Wolfsbane mixture. And again. And again.

A minute later I'm retching, all the bile in my stomach has come up and my throat and nose burn. Nik encourages me to drink some more but I can't. The pain is too much. I feel a headache starting and then a minute later my whole body seizes up. I bite down on my hand hard to stop myself crying out, the sharp distinctive taste of blood pours into my mouth but stops a few seconds later as it heals. Nik pulls my hand out from my mouth preventing me doing it again.

I can't tell what's happening with Dad as I'm only focused on the feelings in my body. Excruciating pain causes me to lose consciousness so many times I lose count as I feel my bones breaking everywhere. Although my eyes are screwed shut I know Nik is still with me as I can feel the sparks where he touches me and the pain in those areas fading.

Hours pass but it feels like decades. I'm suddenly made aware of movement around us as Nik extracts his arms from me causing another wave of agony to pass through me and I'm left feeling cold without his warm touch. I open my eyes and see a blur of fur launch at Nik and I scream out realising my dad is attacking Nik. The chains are holding him but both Nik and I are still in reach. I see Dad bite Nik on his side and I swear I can feel his teeth sink into Nik as if it were me he were biting.

I whine in pain at seeing Dad biting him and Nik glances over at me worriedly. I realise I must only be partially transformed if I am still aware of my surroundings and I panic at the thought that when fully transformed I will probably attack Nik just as my dad is. He ensured me he was in no danger but I don't believe him now. I'm worried what I might do, I don't trust myself to not hurt anyone since activating the curse.

Dad bites Nik again as he gets distracted by me. I feel the same pain again, I must be going insane. It's as though Dad's bites are affecting me instead which isn't possible. I can hardly lift my head due to exhaustion but I see Nik's eyes glow yellow and his face transforming. He doesn't look human but he doesn't look like a wolf either. A large set of teeth descend from his gums. Dad immediately steps back at the sight of his face in fear.

I stare at Nik in awe of his strength and power as Dad backs away finally leaving him alone. Nik's face shifts back and he looks at me uncertainly, walking towards me. If I didn't know him I'd say he looks nervous to approach me, but Nik never visibly shows fear to anyone. I wonder if he believes I might attack him too. Dad stays curled up in the corner watching us and doesn't seem bothered this time when Nik sits back down next to me stroking my back gently.

A little while later all the pain has gone and I can see my paws on either side of myself. I feel energised from Nik's touch and I eye him curiously as I nudge one of his legs with my nose. He smiles at me, stroking my head murmuring softly. I stand up and shake my fur, walking over to my dad who I bump playfully with my head, letting him know I'm alright before settling down next to Nik again.

I place my chin in his lap and sigh contentedly. He places a delicate kiss on my head and I rub my jowls into his side happily and we stay like that for a while. Eventually I close my eyes and fall asleep to his deep rumbling voice and light touches of his hands playing with my fur.

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