Chapter 52 - Elijah's weakness

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"What are you doing?" I ask as I watch men load up vans with Maeve and Elijah's belongings.

"Moving, you're putting my wife at risk," Elijah answers tersely.

I gape at him in shock. While I'm aware I've ruffled his feathers by feeding and burning multiple places to the ground in this city, I didn't actually expect him to leave because of it. Because of me.

"You told Maeve you'd kill her this morning when she tried to help you reconnect with your emotions," Elijah continues while staring at me disapprovingly. "What result did you expect?"

I turn around and see Maeve standing by the door in tears. She goes to speak but Elijah cuts her off.

"Maeve sweetheart, would you go back inside please, I don't want Claudia around you."

Maeve simply nods in agreement and heads back into the compound. It's clear she feels the same or she would have stood up to her mate and said no.

"Mikael will come if you keep this up. Even Niklaus has warned you and you refuse to listen. I cannot put my wife in danger. She has been tortured by him more than enough, I must protect her. Until you come to your senses again and stop all this nonsense, I will not allow you to see each other."

The shock has faded so now I shrug. "Go ahead, I don't care. I'll be able to do exactly what I like now you're not in my way. Good riddance."

Elijah sighs in frustration. At least he's not going to be tearing his hair out at my antics now he won't be here cleaning up after me like he's been doing recently.

"So has Maeve decided she doesn't want to be in charge now? Or have you decided that for her like everything else? You do know she can make decisions on her own, she's not a child," I taunt him with the prospect that he's inconsiderate and doesn't listen to his mate.

"Maeve and I have come to this conclusion together. We talk all of our decisions though thoroughly. She was willing to step up in order to free you from the hex but that is evidently no longer required."

"She's more powerful than you, why are you running? Are you scared of your daddy?" I sneer knowing I'm being unfair but wanting to irritate him and push him to his limits. "Maybe he will come and take Maeve away again."

"Claudia, I am a very patient man but only for so long," he warns, his eyes turning dark with anger at my last sentence. "You don't want to provoke me, I'd advise you to stop testing my patience. My tolerance is wearing very thin with you. Very thin indeed."

"So what? I'm not wrong," I continue, disregarding his warning. "Maeve could kill Mikael without any effort at all if she bothered to use magic. She's weak to refuse and you're using it as an excuse. Soon she will wake up and leave you when she realises what a pathetic cowardly man you are. I'm embarrassed you're family and Maeve will think the same too. Your own mate will hate you when she takes off those rose-tinted glasses and sees what a monster you truly are. Everyone can see it."

I blink and Elijah is right in front of me, fury blazing in his eyes. If I had my emotions I would be utterly terrified right now. I know Maeve is his weak spot, whenever I threaten or insult her, or both, I always distress him. It's quite funny how easily I can rile him up. Apparently I hit a nerve when I called him a monster too. That's good to know. He clearly believes it.

Before he can react I lunge forwards and bite his shoulder through his impeccable suit. My teeth sink deep into his flesh and he stiffens in surprise. Better to strike first than let him do or say whatever he was about to. Now he has werewolf venom in his system. Ha!

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