Chapter 25 - [smut] An Unforeseen Confession

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I shouldn't be surprised at how great Nik is at reading my body. I sometimes forget he's 1,000 years old and has a lot of experience with women. He definitely knows what he's doing. He kisses me and all the pain from my heat vanishes, his cooling hands at my lower back pulling me flush against his own body. His lips move gently against mine, warm and soft and I moan into his kiss.

I explore his chest with my hands, running them over his defined muscles and then his strong shoulders before his mouth moves to my neck where he marked me and he licks all the way up to my jaw slowly. I let my head fall back on the pillow and I shut my eyes as he sucks on my neck hard before licking over the same area with his hot tongue. His left hand moves over my bra and down over my stomach incredibly slowly. His hand lowers to my thigh and he wraps both my legs around his waist, one by one, allowing me to pull him impossibly closer and I willingly comply.

My hands glide over his skin before making their way to the back of his head. I gently tug on his hair and I feel his deep hum of pleasure against my neck as his lips move, teasing me over my collarbone. Happy that I'm pleasing my mate, I move my hands down to the nape of his neck and I repeat the same motion, pulling on his locks between my fingers.

I press my hips up against his and tighten my legs around his waist desperate for more friction. He chuckles at my eagerness.

"Patience love," he murmurs in response before his hands adeptly undo my bra tossing it to the side, discarded. "You're beautiful," he tells me looking me straight in the eyes, picking up on my nerves without me saying a word. The fact that he puts me at ease so quickly, halting me before I even begin to doubt how I look to him, grows my affection for him deeply. He is perfect.

His mouth descends on one nipple, taking it into his mouth and flicking his tongue over it again and again. I've never felt anything like it before in my life. He pauses as he observes my reaction, taking note for later of my every movement especially my squirms. He quickly works out where his open mouthed kisses bring me the most pleasure and moves to my other nipple doing the same. He takes his time going back and forth between them.

His hands work my other breast as he plays with my nipple between his fingers before taking it into his mouth again causing fireworks to light up in my body beneath his touch. I pull his mouth up to mine once more and he kisses me fervently. Both hands knead my breasts and I just enjoy the feel of his lips on mine.

There's no denying he is in complete control. His hands trail towards my hips and I gasp as I feel his fingers find the buttons on the front of my jeans. My gasp presents the perfect opportunity for him to slip the tip of his tongue into my mouth and I let him, my hands grasping the sides of his face. His tongue brushing against my own makes me feel faint and my head dizzy as I struggle to process all the new sensations he is bringing me.

He briskly removes my jeans without parting his mouth from mine and I marvel at his skill. I'm still amazed that this is happening. That he actually likes me. He finally breaks our kiss to smile at me, an expression I immediately reflect.

"My love, you must tell me if you want to stop," he says seriously. I shake my head desperately, I don't want to him stop at all. The electricity running through my body is enough proof for me that this is right. I want this.

"I will not complete the bond with you when you are in heat. I will not have you regret anything we do together," he tells me and my chest constricts in pain at his rejection. I don't care that the heat is affecting my judgement. Why doesn't he want me?

He looks at me solemnly, cupping my cheeks in his hands. "I'm not rejecting you love, you're my mate, I would never reject you."

His words fall on deaf ears and I pull away from him hurt. "You don't want to be with me?" I ask him. "But I'm your mate I don't understand, do you not like me enough? Am I not good enough for you?"

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