Chapter 15 - Family Dinner

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I don't know what happened since Dad coerced Nik into revealing the truth about his family. Maybe they've had a chat without me because Dad is suddenly amiable towards Nik for no apparent reason. He hasn't brought up the fact that Nik is still coming over every day when it was assumed Nik would leave once he helped me.

I talked to Nik about it but he simply shrugged noncommittally leaving me with no answers. I don't think I'll ever understand them. One day Dad hates Nik, the next they're as thick as thieves. I have a feeling Dad is only doing it for my benefit but it doesn't matter either way. I appreciate his effort.

Dad's unexpected acceptance of Nik as my friend allows me to approach him casually about my plans to go back to New Orleans with him. "Hey Dad, so I was talking to Nik and we were thinking about leaving to go back to New Orleans sometime later this week," I hold my breath and wait for him to give me a hard time about it. Or worse, forbid me to go.

A few beats pass and he studies me with an impassive expression on his face. Then he turns towards Nik simply raising an eyebrow. "I saw what happened the other night on the full moon and I'm not stupid. I won't apologise for asking you to tell her about your family and I stand by that because she needed to know, but I realise I cannot interfere with this. I just hope to God you know what you're doing because she doesn't have a clue about it all."

My cheeks flush and my head snaps around to Nik. "Dad please stop," I hiss at him embarrassed. He has read far too much into this and I feel the need to apologise to Nik for my dad's assumptions about our relationship but I can see it hasn't fazed him. While I don't understand all of Dad's words as I'm still waiting for Nik to open up to me more, Nik evidently does and he responds smoothly.

"You should have trusted me to know when to tell her, however I understand why you chose to do what you did," he accepts Dad's sort-of-apology. "But you're right, this cannot be meddled with and I thank you for acknowledging that. Claudia will be better off. "

"I would never cause her pain," my dad replies. "Klaus, you have to tell her the truth about everything sooner rather than later. Not doing so will be the worst mistake you can make with her. A mistake even I might not be able to fix."

Now they are talking about me as if I can't hear them. I glance between them but they act as if I'm not in the room with them. Although I suppose they know I can't follow their train of thought so there's not much difference whether I'm present or not. I am growing impatient at being the only one not knowing everything that is going on but I trust Nik enough to have faith in his timing.

"Keep her safe, or else..." Dad threatens Nik. We all know he'd truly stand no chance against him, but Nik goes along with it, I imagine for my sake.

"I will not hurt your daughter, thank you," he promises and they come to a consensus. I agree to check in with Dad every so often while I am away. 

The following morning we arrive back in New Orleans. I was really apprehensive to enter the compound since I had yet to talk to Maeve or Elijah but it was clear Nik had already informed them I was going to be arriving since they were expecting me. As I walk in, Elijah informs me Kol and Davina are also staying and extends an invitation for me to join them all for a family dinner in the evening.

I get dressed and do my hair and makeup alone before making my way downstairs for dinner. I'm quite excited to properly talk to Davina as I've heard she can give Nik a bit of a hard time so I'm sure we will get on like a house on fire. Kol, I'm not too sure about yet but he smiles at me as he sees me walk in, leaving me relaxed about this evening with them.

We sit in awkward silence, Davina and Maeve being the only ones to chat as everyone else eats the wonderful food that has been served. The dress Nik gave to me to wear this evening is riding up my leg as Nik's places his hand on my thigh to ease my anxiousness. I feel a little out of place seeing as I am purely a guest at their family dinner, everyone a Mikaelson apart from me. Kol has given up annoying Elijah as he hasn't elicited a rise out of him and Nik is uncharacteristically quiet, ignoring Kol's attempts to irritate him for once, so I'm told.

Claudia Lockwood-MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora