Chapter 6 - Friends, then?

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Nik watches me carefully. He initially teased me when it became apparent I knew hardly anything about my own bloodline, but as soon as he realised I wasn't joking he offered to help me find out more after I speak to my dad again.

"So it's just you? Out of your whole family?" I inquire and he affirms my question. He's being incredibly patient as I fire away question, after question, after question at him, stopping his narrative multiple times. I notice when he decides to stop being rude he actually is a surprisingly nice person to converse with and I find he actively listens to every word I say. It's a shame he chooses to upset people with his brash behaviour, he's quite likeable and charming when he wants to be, I saw it last time and I can see it in him now. In no sense do I like the man any more than the next person but he isn't entirely intolerable when he chooses not to be. I just hope his current agreeableness lasts until I get all my answers.

"So if you've activated your curse too, you must change every full moon..." I pause and consider how best to word my next question. "What's the transformation like?"

He looks a little uncomfortable before sharing. "During my first transformation it was excruciating. Every bone in my body had to snap and reshape into place. It went on for hours. It wasn't pleasant," he admits.

"Oh," I say not liking the sound of that at all. Dad hadn't gotten that far before I cut him off in disbelief before sneaking out to get a plane to New Orleans. Now it's sounding like I'm going to have to go back with a huge apology to beg for his help for my first full moon. I'd much rather be at home with him than here when it happens. He might be angry that I left but I'm sure he'll be relieved to see me back again.

"Each time you turn it is easier and faster, it will never be comfortable but you will manage it better with time and practice," Nik picks up on my nerves. With each question he answers, I have a thousand more.

"And being a wolf? Will I know what's happening?"

"You won't be in control, the animal will take over and you'll destroy every living thing in your path until the sun rises." He meets my eyes. "You'll be okay Claudia, it will be okay."

"How exactly is this going to be okay?" I gulp visibly upset. "It sounds like it hurts. A hell of a lot. And I'll hurt everyone I come across no matter who it is. How can you say this is okay?" I take in a shuddering breath, the emotions of the last few days bubbling up beneath the surface, this time it's hard to push them all back down.

He places his hand on mine softly and I don't pull away. I need the comfort and he's the only one right now who can understand how I'm feeling, he's been in my position before. The warmth from his rough palm spreads up my arm and I feel the familiar sparks of energy that I am starting to anticipate every time we touch. All of a sudden my cheeks flush. I'm so embarrassed at my sudden change in attitude towards him. I've gone from cursing him and wishing never to see him again, to confiding in him, asking for advice and seeking his comfort. I don't want to imagine what he's thinking although he hardly blinked an eye. My conflicting emotions illustrate my feelings towards him well. I'm drawn to him like I never have been to a man before, but I hate the ways he's acted more than anything. He confuses me with his back and forth coldness then friendliness. But it seems I am doing the same.

He is silent for a while before responding, "I know you'll be okay because you have your dad. You even have me if you need anything your dad cannot help with." He squeezes my hand lightly attempting to reassure me. "I am sorry for the way I came across at the wedding. I treated you like nothing and insulted you in front of my brother with no regard to your feelings. I threatened you but you should know I would never actually harm you. And I wasn't lying when I told my brother you intrigue me, you're a beautiful and intelligent young woman."

Claudia Lockwood-MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now