Chapter 20

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I woke up in Jamar's arms.
"Hey babe", he said.
"How you feeling?", he asked.
He looked up.
"Me too."
"Where's my dad?", I asked.
"He's outside talking with Malik."
I smiled.
"You always make sure I'm ok", said.
"Of course. You're my girlfriend and the love of my life", he replied kissing my forehead.
I sat up.
"I don't know if I can do this", I said.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I haven't killed anyone before. If I did I could go to jail", I replied.
"You won't go to jail."
I looked at him.
"No. And that's a promise", he replied.
"But Jamar-"
He shook his head.
"When I said I was going to protect you, that's what I meant."
I smiled.
"And I don't break my promises", he continued.
"I know."
"We've come too far to quit now Maya. This has became a war that we have to win in order to stay together. To live happily ever after", he replied.
"You're right. I never thought I would be in a battle between love and life."
He caressed my face.
"With this much desire, we're already winners", he replied.
"And in the end it's just us."
"That's right."
Malik and my dad walked in.
"When the dark hits, it's time", Malik said.
Jamar nodded.
"I'll go alone."
I grabbed his hand.
"You can't", I said.
He sighed.
"Maya it's too dangerous for you."
"I don't care. This commitment is more than just a few hugs and kisses. It's about fighting together", I replied.
He looked at my dad.
"Mr. Poole."
"It''s fine", he replied.
I got up and hugged him.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Please be careful", he replied.
"Of course."
Malik motioned for Jamar to follow him.
"What's up man?"
"Are you going to tell them about Zion and the old lady?", he asked.
Jamar looked at me.
"No. Not yet."
I didn't hear what they were saying but it didn't sound like it was too good. And as I stood there hugging my dad I thought about his life. Because of the manipulation and betrayal my mom brought to him, he was already affected. Now he was getting ready to risk his life just like Me, Jamar, and Malik. And to be honest, it wasn't really fair to him. He didn't deserve it, but somehow he was pull into this war. A war where in the end there would only be life or death.
"I love you dad."
"I love you too honey", he replied.
We broke apart from our embrace.
"Maya!", Jamar yelled.
I nodded and followed him.
Behind me, I could see my dad looking at me. His eyes were full of fear, hurt, and pain.
And I knew I couldn't fix it all, but I could fix enough to where he wouldn't be suffering anymore. And it turns out that love is worth fighting for. Whether they're you parents or your partner. I had enough spirit to finish this fight strong. And I was not abiding by any rules.

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