Chapter 7

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"Maya I said you're not going", my dad said.
"Why not?"
"There was a man shooting at the house right next to us. It is too dangerous for you to be going anywhere."
"I cannot believe you", I replied angrily.
"That's fine, but my order still stands. You are not to leave this house unless given sole permission to."
I sighed.
"It's not like they were shooting at us. Besides we have like two police cars outside our house if anything thing goes down", I replied.
My dad shook his head
"My answer is no. And that is final."
I went upstairs and slammed my door. I swear sometimes my dad is like a menace to society. I mean who keeps they're child locked inside a house for twenty-four hours? And on top of that I haven't heard from Jamar in two days. I hope he was ok. The last time I seen him is when he left to go and find Malik. I missed him. And it wasn't just his presence. It was his love. The undivided attention he gave to me, and me only. And although me and Naomi were still "friends", I knew I had to keep the upper hand.
"I need guidance", I said aloud.
I sat there thinking of who I could call in a situation like this. A situation in which you are torn between love and life. I needed someone who understood. I needed my mom.
I got my phone and dialed the hospital.
"Hey can you transfer me to Tonya Poole's room please?", I asked.
"Yes of course. One moment."
The phone rang for a few seconds.
"Hello?", my mom said.
"Hey mom."
"Maya, it's so nice to hear from you", she replied brightly.
"Yeah don't get used to it."
She scoffed.
"Looks like you're still mad at me", she said.
"Yeah, so don't try the nice innocent act", I replied.
"What do you want Maya?"
"I need advice."
"Yeah, it's about choices", I replied.
"Hmm, funny you mention that considering that fact that you were judging me about my choices a couple days ago."
I sighed.
"Mom this isn't about you."
"It was always about me. Why do you think you father won't talk to me?", she replied.
"Ok whatever. I just need some advice."
"On what?"
"Making a choice between love and life", I replied.
"Oooh, that's a tough one."
"Yeah I know."
"Who is he?", she asked.
"Who's the guy you're talking to?"
I lowered my voice to make sure my dad didn't hear me.
"His name is Jamar", I replied.
"Hmm, he sounds like a bad boy", she laughed.
"He is. He's the city's most wanted criminal."
"Oh wow."
"Yeah and I really like him, but I don't want to make a decision that will ruin my life", I explained.
"Maya, you're already ruining your life. If you knew this guy was trouble then you knew exactly what you were getting into when you decided to talk to him."
I sat there quiet.
"I hit a nerve didn't I?", my mom asked.
"You don't even know the whole story", I finally said.
"But I know enough to let you know that you can't have both. You can't have the bad guy and expect your life to be perfect knowing he's a criminal. You can either have him and a risky life or you don't and your life will be ok", she replied.
"But mom."
"Uh uh, you only get to choose one option. You can't have both."
I sighed.
She was right. If I wanted to be with Jamar, then I would have to face the fact that there will be risks.
"But if go with him, me and Naomi can't stay friends."
"Jamar and Naomi are dating", I replied.
My mom gasped.
"Well, look who's following in her mom's footsteps", she said.
"Maya, being with the guy is one thing, but being with him and knowing he's dating your best friend is a whole different story", she replied.
"Yeah I know."
"If you ask me, I'd say take him. Make him yours. Because in the end you can't trust anyone", she said.
I couldn't believe my ears. Was my mom actually supporting me.
"Wait. Are you serious?"
"Yeah, he obviously doesn't love her enough if he wants to be with you. And if y'all are destined to be together, do anything and everything to make sure he stays with you. Even if that means betraying Naomi to the fullest extent", she replied.
"Huh, I guess I did learn some tricks from you", I said smiling.
"You did. And I'm proud of you."
"Thanks mom", I said.
"Don't mention it."
I hung up. I was now very clear about my decision. I loved Jamar and no one else can have him. Especially Naomi. I cared for her, but not enough to let her have Jamar. The task was simple: Stick to the plan. Keep the man.

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