Chapter 3

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"Do you need a way back?", Naomi asked me.
"No I'll get a taxi or something."
"Ok cool. I'll text you when I get home. I got some juicy tea to tell you girl", she replied.
I got out of her car and she drove off.
I couldn't help but assume that the tea was about her and Jamar. I guess I didn't like the fact that she had such a nice looking guy. But of course I was happy for her. I just wanted a nice looking guy too.
I walked into the doctors office.
"Hello, how may I help you?", the lady asked.
"Yeah I'm Maya Poole and I'm here to give blood. It's for my mom, Tonya Poole.
She smiled.
"Yes right this way."
She directed me to a room.
"He'll be in with you shortly", she said.
I sat down and tried to calm my mind. Too many thoughts were rushing in and it was giving me a headache.
"How can I continue to do this after she hurt me?", I thought.
Was I a fool for doing it?
These questions never left me mind. Even when I tried to ignore them, they would still find a way back to me.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
When I opened my eyes, I saw him. I saw Jamar. The hot, sexy beast who dates my best friend. God he was so fine. And I couldn't shake the fact that he could be the hero I would always see in my dreams. The one that saves me when I'm in danger.
In the middle of my thoughts, the doctor came in.
"Hello Mrs. Poole, I'm Dr. Hill and I'll be taking your blood today", he said.
He smiled and gathered the blood kit.
"Is this your first time taking blood?", he asked.
"No I come here to take blood every week for my mom", I replied.
"Oh that's nice."
I looked up. If he only knew.
"Ok just breathe and hold very still."
He pinched the needle through my skin and took my blood. I sat there very still. Contemplating on why I'm still here.
"Ok you're done", he said collecting the tubes.
"I'll go and print off your visit report and you'll be all set."
"Thank you", I said.
"You're welcome."
He got up and motioned for me to follow him. I looked at my arm and saw how swollen it was. Even though it wasn't a lot of blood, I was drawing it every week.
"Here you go", the lady said handing me the papers.
I walked out the building and decided to wait for a taxi. Then I remembered I left my phone in Naomi's car.
"Dang", I thought.
There was a phone booth on the other side of the street but I didn't want to risk it. Then again, I really needed to make a phone call. I looked both ways and quickly walked across the street. I dialed Naomi's number.
There was no answer.
"You've got to be kidding me!", I said kicking the side of the booth. I went across the street this time not paying attention. Then I heard a loud truck horn. I was seconds from being ran over. I stood there not able to move and right before my eyes someone grabbed me and saved me. It all happened so quick. I was in absolute shock. Never before have I been that scared in my life.
"You ok?", a deep voice asked.
I looked up. It was Jamar.
I quickly broke apart from his hold.
"What...what are you doing here?", I asked.
"I'm a criminal remember? I lurk doing the day."
He laughed.
"Why? Were you expecting someone else?", he asked.
"Yes", I lied.
I could tell he was a little hurt.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so mean", I said.
"It's all good. I mean, you wouldn't expect a criminal to help someone in danger", he replied.
I laughed.
"Maybe not a cute criminal."
He looked at me.
I instantly regretted what I said.
"No I meant good", I replied stuttering.
Jamar scratched his head.
"If you think I'm cute there's nothing wrong with that."
I looked at him.
"Yeah, a lot of women think I'm cute", he replied.
"But you date my best friend."
"And that's weird", I replied.
"How so?"
I looked down.
"I can't say you're cute knowing you two date. It just doesn't seem right."
He looked me in the eyes.
"It would be weird to not think I'm cute despite me dating your best friend", he replied.
He did have a point. If you couldn't see that he was cute then there was definitely something wrong with you.
He smiled and helped me off the ground.
"And if I'm being honest, I think you're cute too", he said.
I blushed.
"You're welcome."
I got lost in his eyes. For a moment we stood there looking at each other. And it felt so unreal. It felt magical. Whatever this feeling was, I didn't want it to end. Jamar, the hottest beast alive, just saved my life, and now he was saying I'm cute. I must be dreaming. I never thought of meeting him again this way. This terrifying yet romantic way. He was so nonchalant and unbothered. The perfect mixture for a criminal like him. And of course we wouldn't mention anything to Naomi. I mean it's not like we were dating or we liked each other. We just had a little encounter. And things got a little heated. At least for the moment. Nothing to big. But nothing to small either.

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