Chapter 8

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"Maya, I have to do this", Naomi said.
"Do you really?"
"Yes, I mean Jamar hasn't called me in three days."
"I get that but-"
"No you don't. I love him. And even though things haven't been great between us, he's still my boyfriend", she said cutting me off.
I sighed.
"Is it worth getting caught?", I asked.
"Yes, yes it is."
"Naomi, you're going to rob one of the most expensive jewelry stores just to get a diamond and use it to get into Jamar's Gatehouse", I replied.
"So that's dangerous."
"Since when do you care about me doing dangerous stunts Maya. We've been friends for six years", she said getting up.
"I don't, but is it worth getting one visit Naomi?"
She looked at me.
"I don't care if it was thirty seconds. I want Jamar, and I want him now and I will do whatever it takes to get into his Gatehouse. Even if it means stealing a 200,000 dollar Diamond", she replied.
I scoffed.
"I cannot believe you."
"Neither can I, but sometimes love is worth the risk. Jamar loves me. He makes me feel like a queen and I'd do anything to keep this fairytale."
I almost threw up. She was really dumb founded. Hasn't she gotten a clue yet? Jamar hasn't called her in three days and even bailed out on her. While she was thinking he still loved her, he was with me. And to hear that she will do anything to have him made me angry. I could feel my skin boiling. Jamar did not belong to her. He was mine, and one day she was going to see that.
"Whatever", I said.
She put her hands up and walked outside.
"You would never understand Maya."
As I watched her leave, I thought about what my mom said. I only had on option. I couldn't choose both. Either I wanted the guy or I wanted a perfect life. And right now, I wanted the Guy. I wanted Jamar, and Naomi was in my way. God I was furious with her. How can you get mad at me because your man doesn't want you? It made no sense. But little did she know, she wasn't the only one aiming for Jamar's heart. I'm on a mission to make him mine forever. Naomi was in my way.
"Are you okay honey?"
I turned around and saw my dad standing there with a worried face.
"I'm fine", I replied.
"I called Hannah and she said your pain medication will be ready in the morning."
I looked at him.
"You're welcome."
He went back inside.
What's a little toothache pain anyways? The true pain hasn't even begun yet. And it was going to start with Naomi. My friend, whom I've given six years of dedication and commitment to. The woman that used me to get what she wanted. All those times me and my dad would bail her out of jail. And this is how she repaid us? By stabbing me in the back and leaving me alone in the dark.
I got my phone out and looked up Jamar's address. 120 Forkman Drive: His Gatehouse.
Looks like the race was on Naomi. Whoever could get there first was the better woman, but no because of how they got there, but their dedication to get there. This was war. And not just any war. This was a civil war.
So Naomi, may the best woman win.

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