Chapter 9

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I quietly stepped toward the gatehouse. I knew I was risking everything. But I didn't care. Jamar was mine.
As I looked behind the corner I saw two guys guarding the entrance.
"Ok this is it", I thought.
I walked toward the gate. And just like that, I stopped dead in my tracks. What I saw broke my heart. It was Jamar and Naomi. They were kissing. I fell to the ground. How could Jamar do this to me? I thought he loved me. I thought he didn't want Naomi. Right in front of me, stood them in a deep passionate lock, and in Naomi's hand was a Diamond.
"Dang it", I thought.
How could she beat me? I was suppose to be with Jamar. He was supposed to be kissing me. Not her! As I stood there watching them Naomi pinched Jamar's cheek and giggled.
"I thought you were getting tired of me?", she asked.
He laughed.
"Nah. I just needed some time to clear my head, that's all."
He kissed her.
"I love you", she said.
"I love you too."
Hearing these words made me even angrier. I could feel tears rolling down my face. I was betrayed and hurt. The guy I thought would be mine turned out to really be Naomi's. That sick bastard.
I quietly stepped back and ran home. I didn't look back. Not for a second. I was too ashamed. I ran as if my life depended on it. And when things couldn't get worse, I tripped and fell.
"Ow!", I screamed.
I scraped my knee.
Despite the little pain, I sobbed miserably. I cried as though I was stabbed in my chest begging for mercy.
I looked up.
It was Naomi.
"What do you want?", I asked.
"I was coming from downtown and saw you crying", she said kneeling next to me.
I pushed her away.
"Leave me alone!"
"What's wrong with you?", she asked.
I became infuriated.
"Downtown?", I asked.
"Yeah, that way", she replied pointing east.
"Then where's your car? Downtown is like thirty minutes away from here. Too far for you to walk."
"Maya, if you don't believe me then fine."
I scoffed.
Of course I didn't believe her. Because I knew she was lying. I had just witnessed her and Jamar kissing.
"Naomi, I think it's best if you leave. Right now", I said.
Her eyes grew big.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"I came to help you out and this is how you thank me? By threatening me?"
I gave her a cold stare.
"You are unbelievable", I said.
"No, you're the one that's unbelievable. You don't know a real friend when you see one Maya", she replied.
A real friend? She wants to talk about real friends. If anyone's been a real friend it's been me. I've bent over backwards for her. I even put my life on the line just so she can do what she needs to do. And she wants to call me unbelievable?
I walked away.
"Maya...Maya", she said grabbing my arm.
I pulled away.
She stood there stunned.
"It takes one to know one", she said.
"Before you judge someone, you should look at yourself first", she replied.
"So now you want to throw shots at me huh?", I said.
She laughed.
"Even if I did, you couldn't handle them."
I was furious. This chick was pushing me over the edge.
"Oh really?"
We stood there looking at each other. The deep stare she gave me ran chills down my spine. It was like she was looking right into my soul. I have never seen her look like that before.
"Don't try me Naomi", I warned.
"Oh I'm not. It's obvious I've already gotten underneath your skin anyways", she replied.
I smacked my lips.
She shook her head and walked past me. Talk about provoking someone. Naomi didn't scare me. She might have won the battle, but trust and believe she hasn't won the war.
This was just the beginning. And the end of our friendship. I tried to be nice, but I guess she wanted to take advantage of that as well.
Seems like she wanted to try me.
"Screw you", I said.
She turned around and stuck up her middle finger.
I watched her as she walked down the road. I couldn't help but think she knew something was going on between me and Jamar, but then again, she didn't really mention Jamar. It was like she was aiming for another purpose. Something that I don't know about.
Something way bigger than Jamar. And whatever it was, it wasn't good. And I could honestly say. I'm not surprised. That was typical Naomi for you. Stupid, risk taking Naomi. I just hope she watches her back. Because after tonight, I have a whole lot of tricks up my sleeve for her.

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