Chapter 1

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I quietly stepped outside of my bedroom door. I was very careful not to make a sound.
If my dad heard me roaming through the house after 12 A.M. he would kill me.
"Almost there", I thought.
I tiptoed down the stairs and through the back door.
There stood my best friend of six years waiting for me.
"Hey Naomi", I whispered.
"Hey girl, you ready?", she said holding up her keys.
We walked to her car.
"So, where are we going?", I asked.
"You'll see."
She backed out of my drive way and drove down the road.
Naomi was always a daredevil. She loved taking risks just as much as she loved getting in trouble for them. She has been in and out of jail for two years now and the thrill never ends. Why I go along with her? I don't know. But she was my best friend. Almost like a sister and I was going to stick by her no matter what.
"Here it is", she said parking her car.
We got out and walked toward the gate.
"Kick it", she said.
"Kick the gate."
"Why?", I asked.
"Just do it Maya."
I kicked the gate.
A couple seconds later a tall buff guy came and asked who it was.
"It's me", Naomi said.
He opened the gate for us.
"You got what I asked for?", he asked holding out his hand.
"Yep, it's right here."
She gave him a brown bag. He looked inside of it and moved aside.
"C'mon in", he said.
We walked past him into the building. It was packed. There were people in every corner. Some dancing, some sitting down and some with beer bottles.
"What is this place?", I asked.
"This is LAC: Night Club."
"Yeah only the best of the best get to go here. And that brown paper bag I gave to that dude earlier was our ticket in here", Naomi replied.
"What was in it?"
"Some stuff", she giggled.
"What kind of stuff?"
"Drug kinda stuff girl."
My eyes grew big.
"I didn't know you sold drugs", I said.
"Maya life's to short to not try new things. And besides my man will be here any minute."
I looked at her.
"Your man?"
"Yeah, well beast/man", she replied.
I couldn't believe my ears.
"Yep. His name is Jamar and girl he is fine."
I laughed.
"That's cool. I'm happy for you", I said giving her a hug.
"Thanks girl. I knew I could trust you when you didn't rat me out to the police when me and Trinity stole Mr. Scott's car."
"Yeah, well I didn't want you going to jail again", I joked.
She punched my arm.
"So what do you want to do first? They have pool, archery, or we could get something to drink", she said.
"Umm, how about pool?"
We went over to the pool table.
"Well look who it is", a guy with dreads said.
"Save it Zion", Naomi replied.
"Naomi Simmons. Back in business."
He grabbed two cups.
"Didn't know you got out?", he said handing us the alcohol filled cups.
Naomi smiled.
"I always get out."
He laughed and gave her a hug.
"Still overconfident I see."
"Still gaslighting that chick I see", she replied pointing to a girl over at the bar.
Zion smirked.
"Oh her? Nah we stopped talking a few weeks ago."
"Mhmm, so what's next for you then? A new girlfriend?", Naomi asked.
"Nope, I'm riding solo for a while."
Naomi looked at me.
"Maya this is Zion. We're childhood friends."
I shook his hand.
"It's nice to meet you", I said.
"Nice to meet you too."
He turned his attention back to Naomi.
"So what brings you to LAC?"
"Just wanted to see what it was like", Naomi replied.
"That's cool."
"Your boy will be here any minute", he continued.
Naomi smiled.
"Yeah I can't wait. Five months strong."
"Yeah. Let's just hope he won't cheat", Zion replied laughing.
Naomi hit his arm.
"Now you know Jamar is loyal.", she replied.
"Yeah, but he's different. He's not even full human."
"So, many girls are on the chase for him", he replied.
Naomi rolled her eyes.
"Even if that is the case, Jamar would never cheat on me."
Zion put his hands up.
"Ok whatever you say."
She turned to me.
"Maya, imma need you to hit him upside the head in a minute. Talking all that crap", she said.
I laughed.
"Nah, he's cool."
"Girl he's dumb", she said.
Zion smacked his lips.
"If I'm dumb, you're stupid."
Before Naomi could say anything, the door opened and everyone started cheering.
"What's going on?", I asked.
"Girl it's him!", Naomi said running to the other side of the room.
"Jamar", Zion replied.
She gave him a big hug and kissed him. He was fine. A good bod and standing at almost 6'3. And I could see his beastly character. It wasn't like he was trying to hide it.
"Jamar this is my best friend Maya", Naomi said walking toward me.
He smiled.
"Hi", I replied.
His eyes were hazel and oh so mesmerizing. It was like he was staring right into my soul.
"So you're the beast everyone's talking about?"
He laughed.
"Yeah, that's me."
Naomi kissed him on the cheek.
"Yep, he's my beast."
"Well, I've heard a lot about you". I continued.
"Oh really? Like what?"
"Well first off. You're my best friends boyfriend. And you just might be one of the top criminals in the city as well."
His narrowed his eyes.
"Well, I don't have other punks doing my dirty work for me so yeah that sounds like me", he replied.
I shook my head.
"Naomi, I think you two could pass as Chicago's Most Wanted Couple."
"Girl please, there's people way worse than us."
"Yeah you're looking at one right here", Zion chimed in.
Jamar went over and shook his hand.
"Zion my man, it's good to see you."
"It's good to see you too man, it's been a while", he replied.
Naomi rolled her eyes.
"Ok, ok enough introductions, let's get something to drink. I know you're thirsty after all that ripping and running you did today", Naomi butted in.
"I can drink", Jamar replied.
She smiled.
"C'mon it's over here."
They walked toward the bar.
"Looks like your best friend forgot all about you". Zion said.
I sighed.
"Yep. Her boo thing is definitely her number one", I replied.
I watched them as they drink their beer. How did Naomi get so lucky? And why wasn't I informed about him sooner?
These questions ran through my head for the next five minutes.
"Maybe this is all part of her plan", I thought.
"Maybe this is just the beginning."

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