Chapter 19

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"Maya when am I getting out of here?, my dad asked.
I sighed.
"Soon as in today?"
"No Dad. Soon as in sometime this week", I replied.
He rolled his eyes.
"I don't want to be here Maya."
"I know, but it's for your own protection"? I replied.
He looked over his shoulder.
"But I heard about what happened to your mom."
"Yeah, it kinda took a toll on me last night knowing we're all we have left", he said.
I grabbed his hand.
"Yeah, that's why you have to quit being so hardheaded and actually stay in protective custody Dad", I said jokingly
"Yeah yeah, I'm only here because I'm protecting you", he replied.
I laughed.
I gave him a moment to talk to the police officers.
"I'll see you later Dad", I said.
"See you later honey."
I left and walked out the building.
"I wonder how Jamar is doing", I thought.
I decided to call him.
The phone rang a couple of times.
"Hey baby", I said.
"Hey Maya. What's up?"
"Nothing much just spoke to my dad", I replied.
"Oh ok, cool."
"Yeah, how are you?", I asked.
"I'm good. Just worried about my dawg Zion."
"Yeah I felt that. Any leads?"
"Nah, Malik and some others went to look for his this morning, but they ain't had no luck", he replied.
"Yeah, where ever he is, I just hope he's ok."
"Me too", I replied.
"I'd be glad when I get my hands on that Tyson dude."
"The bear man?"
"Whatever his name is. He's clearly overstepped his boundaries and I don't appreciate the threats I've been getting", Jamar replied.
"Yeah, he's made a couple of em to me and my home boys", he said.
"I thinks he's only making threats because he's scared. Scared of you, and anyone else stepping up to him", I replied.
Jamar laughed.
"You think so?"
"I know so."
"Then that's it. He's scared. And quite frankly, he should be. You don't mess with my friends and he's going to find that out real quick", Jamar replied.
"That's right, and I've got my eyes on Naomi. That sneaky little brat wants to ruin my life. Well I've got news for her. I'm going to ruin hers first", I said.
"You do that."
"Oh I will", I replied.
"In the meanwhile, I'm going to go and look for Zion."
"Oh ok, good luck. And stay safe."
"I will", he replied.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I ended the call.
"Maya!", my dad yelled from behind.
I turned around.
"Hey honey", he replied.
"What are you doing out of the police station. You're in protective custody remember?"
"They had to let me go."
"What...why?", I asked.
"They're going on lock down."
"Yeah, criminal threats are near", he replied.
I started to get nervous.
"Well we have to go", I said.
"Yeah, but we don't have a car."
I looked around.
"How much cash do you have on you?", I asked.
"A few dollars. Why?"
I grabbed his arm.
"We're going to get a taxi", I replied.
He nodded.
We went across the street and waited for the first taxi.
"Honey I'm scared", my dad said.
"It's going to be ok Dad."
"First your mother, and now this", he replied shaking his head.
I assured him that everything will be fine.
"Hey taxi!"
We waved and the taxi driver pulled over.
"Get in", he said.
We hopped in and he drove off.
"Where to?", he asked nervously.
"210 Weston Road."
"Got it."
Me and my dad looked at each other.
"Why does he seem so nervous?", my dad whispered.
"I don't know."
He drove around the corner to Weston Road.
"Here you are", he said.
"Thanks", my dad replied giving him the money.
"No problem."
As soon as we got out he drove off.
"Mrs. Donna is not going to believe this", I said.
"You're right."
I knocked on the door but there was no answer.
"Hello? Mrs. Donna?"
I knocked on the door again. There was still no answer.
"Oh God", I said.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't think Mrs. Donna is here", I replied.
"She's not answering Dad!"
He put his hand on his head.
"Well we gotta get in."
"How?", I asked.
"I don't know, maybe we could break the door down."
"Are you crazy?", I asked.
"I mean that's the only possible option."
He did have a point.
"Well then move back", I said.
He stepped back. And with all my strength I kicked the door down.
My dad's eyes grew big.
"How did you do that?", he asked.
"My boyfriend taught me."
"Your boyfriend?", he asked.
"I'll tell you later, c'mon!"
We went inside.
The house was completely trashed. There were pieces of glass everywhere.
"Oh my."
"What in the world?", my dad said.
I searched every corner but there was no sign of Mrs. Donna.
"Who did this?", I asked.
"More like what?."
I turned around.
"There are bite marks all on her furniture", my dad replied.
I sighed.
"Poor Mrs. Donna."
"Yeah we gotta get out of here", my dad said.
I nodded.
That's just it. And the thing is. This was not the end. This was just the beginning.

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