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Beep beep beep beep beep. 

I stretched my right hand out, waving it wildly over my bedside table, trying to find my phone. 

"Y/N! YOU HAVE THIRTY MINUTES TO GET READY FOR THE TABLE-READ!!" Percy yelled from the living room as I heard him scamper around.

I groaned before pulling the face from the pillows on my bed. My eyes were immediately met by a bright ray of sunlight that snuck into my room between the panels of the Venetian blinds. "Y/N! GET OFF THE BED!" Percy banged on the door of my bedroom.

"I am up. I am up." I crawled off my bed. 

Percy had his quirks, but he was the only reason I got through Julliard. My callous personality met his meticulous personality on day one. He ensured I got up for classes, attended auditions and submitted all my assignments on time. People always told me, 'Mate, you are easily the most talented person to step into Julliard in the past ten years, but you would drown in your work if you didn't Percy.' And they were always spot on, he was my life buoy in acting school.

Today, he was babysitting me, taking me to the Paramount Pictures Studio for the table-read for my first official movie role. He also had his selfish reasons as he was cast alongside me in the movie. 

We had given our auditions a couple of months ago, entirely in the dark about the movie. Persuaded by my mentor and sponsor, Christian Bale. No flex, but I met him while doing my second-year project at Julliard, and he has become a great teacher and an even better friend since then. His exact words about this movie were, "Lad, you get this role and give your best. It will set you up for the rest of your career. It's rare to be given such a wonderful chance for your first official role." 

I showered and brushed my teeth before entering my closet, looking for today's outfit. I landed on my mid-wash jorts, tassel loafers and a short-sleeved patterned green shirt. I popped on my go-to black cap and shades before grabbing a bagel and heading out. 

"Percy?" I called out as I stepped out of the main door of our two-bedroom house. 

I heard a honk from the main road when his lovely 1998 Toyota Supra parked in front of our gates. "Get in. We need to be there in twenty-five."

Twenty minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot at the Paramount Pictures Studio. "You make your way up. I will find a spot and meet you in five," he ordered as he pulled his car to the studio's front door. 

"See ya." I stepped out and rushed in. I scrambled to the receptionist's desk, flashing her my invite to the table-read. "Tenth floor, room number 1028." She pointed me in the direction of the elevators. I thanked her before weaving my way through the crowd of people in the lobby and making my way to the elevator. I saw a brunette walk into the elevator as the door started to shut.

"Wait up!" I screamed out to the brunette as I smashed the elevator button, hoping the elevator hadn't shut fully. Seconds later, the door reopened, and my phone started ringing as I entered the elevator. I pulled my phone out, seeing the caller ID. It was my best friend, Olivia Rodrigo. 

I acknowledged the brunette's presence with a nod and 'thank you', unfortunately, she didn't recognise either action, just giving me a disapproving look. I didn't pay much attention to it as my eyes returned to my phone.



Y/N. Where are you?

In the elevator, I am making my way upstairs.


I glanced at the floor buttons, noticing that the pleasant company on the elevator was also travelling to the tenth floor.

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