Transition Period

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You wake up, crack of dawn, and grumble a bit since you normally can get good sleep, especially with Katsuki beside you. You frown, figuring it likely has to do with the decision you're about to go through with. Katsuki is aware of what is going on, the only person you really need to inform would be Nezu since he'll inform who can be trusted. You turn to look at Katsuki, lightly kissing his forehead as you carefully leave his room. You decide to teleport to Nezu's office to write down a note instead of leaving a digital print.

After writing the note, you pull out your phone to call Hawks. "Hey kid," He responds quickly, obviously restless from his tired voice. "I'm at my office, see you in a bit," He states, though as soon as he mentioned his office, you teleported over, catching the last part in person. Both of you hang up, the air thick with concern.

"Did you already hand it over to the commission?" You inquire about the footage of defeating the top ten pros. He slowly nods. "I've informed Nezu about what's going on. You can talk to him or Aizawa in person if you need," You offer a way for him to not hold onto all of this. Though you notice that he has a bottle of alcohol sitting on his desk, nearly empty. You frown a bit, swiping the bottle away from him.

"Drink in moderation...I don't want you to poison your liver," You scold him, holding onto the bottle since you're not exactly wanting to get rid of it. He just drags a hand over his face, staring off in the distance. He's likely drunk, and that's what makes his attitude even more eerie. "Hawks, what's going on? Does it affect you that much that I'm doing this?" You try to communicate with him, and he just looks over at you dully.

"The commission wants to see you first chance they get. They even talked with the other pros to get their take on you...Endeavor fessed up about you being the one that gave him the info on the organization in the first place. Kid, you'll be starting the moment you see the backing out now," He relays his information. You sigh, placing the bottle back on his desk.

"I figured as much, hence why I woke up early. And I'll likely have my insomnia kick back up while I'm doing this mission," You state, looking out over the city as it glows from the rising sun. He just slowly nods, and you can barely bear to see him in such a state. "Hey, I plan on using genjutsu to share information, so when we interact, you should give me a good reason to use my sharingan and maybe pass on the message to the others," You tell him, hoping that telling him the method in which I plan to communicate beforehand will help him a bit.

Yet, in his state it's like he didn't even hear me. "How full was the bottle before I got here?" You question, trying to figure out just how affected by alcohol he is, though when he points to the level that it already is at you become way more concerned. "Want to do something? We can do anything, just what can I do so you're not in a state like this? Most people know you as the carefree number three hero, and to see you suddenly so'll cause more concern in the citizens than anything," You slightly plead, knowing just how hard this is on him since you're going through similar emotions.

Though when he doesn't budge, you frown at putting him under a genjutsu in this state. But there's no other choice, the people you interact with usually need to also keep up the act as much as you do. Shortly after, Hawks blinks his eyes a bit and sighs. "Sorry kid, to see me like that must've only added to your plate," He apologizes, but seems to be doing a lot better.

"It's alright, this is a serious matter, I think I'd be more hurt if you weren't showing any concern," You say a bit jokingly, hoping it'll help lighten the mood. He chuckles a bit, and even slightly smiles, making you smile in return. Glad that the genjutsu was able to help him, the two of you spend some time talking about fine details for making a cover since Hawks has some experience, and you have none. Your phone rings and you look to see it's Katsuki. Dismissing yourself you take the call on Hawk's balcony.

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