Training along with Revelations

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You enter the restaurant, a bright smile playing on your lips. The boss notices you and comes over to you with concern in her eyes. "Where were you this morning?" She inquires.

"I was at UA getting things prepared for my enrollment," You say, then you remember that you forgot the papers. You sigh, trying to remind yourself that you'll grab it after working a shift.

"Have the day off ok? While I respect the energy you've brought with you today, you should put school first," She tells you and you slightly pout. Though you quickly recover as you can take the opportunity to train.

"Alright! I'll be back tomorrow dattebayo!" You tell her as you rush out to train. You barely register the comment as you rush out of the mall in search of somewhere to train. You eventually end up at a place surrounded by trees, allowing cover and protection to the outside world. You decide to check up with Kurama, so you get seated in a comfortable position before shifting into Naruto.

"Kurama!" You excitedly say as you bound towards him.

"Hmm? Why'd you shift?" He asks you, noticing how you look like Naruto.

"So I can talk to you... wait, how'd you know that I shift between people?" You ask, feeling numb.

"I thought you realized, you were shifted as Naruto for a while, therefore you not only developed his personality, but also got me with you permanently," He growls a bit at the last part.

"Ah, I'm sorry Kurama, I didn't realize that would happen, if I did I would've tried to avoid that happening," You apologize, stretching the back of your head sheepishly.

"Eh, it's alright, at least this way I can see how you truly are, even with the influence of Naruto," Kurama says, resting his head as though he's tired.

"Alright, I guess that means you want more time, Talk to you later Kurama!" You cheer, giving him a smile. He grumbles in response, which makes you laugh a bit. You come out of the state, before shifting back to normal. While you're curious about Kurama's words and whether he's being honest or not, you refrain from checking your stomach because you're still in public.

You sigh, but you shift into Eri, wanting to try and get the hang of her quirk so you can help her when the time comes. You start off by focusing on a lone dandelion. You watch as it starts to slowly close up and shrink until you stop it, trying to think how you managed to do it before.

You focus on another dandelion, seeing that it barely budges like the last one. It might be because you're going about it wrong. You remember feeling curious about its functionality. So is curiosity the trigger? Or is it more of a defensive mechanism? You try the curiosity route, seeing it slowly function.

You start to imagine the dandelion as something that proves as a threat, and it quickly deteriorates. You feel stunned, seeing how dangerous her quirk can be unknowingly. You see a wilting flower and approach it. You carefully keep yourself calm, and focus on trying to heal the flower.

Under your command, the flower grows vibrant and shines delicately. You smile softly, feeling like you found the key to helping Eri control her quirk. "Oi, what're you doing this time?!" You hear a slightly harsh voice call out to you. Fear runs through your veins at the thought of hurting Bakugou, you quickly turn timid and back away from him.

"S-Stay away!" Your voice sounds weak and timid, and you look at him scared. He goes rigid, feeling surprised by your behavior. You shift back to normal and calm down knowing you can't accidentally hurt him.

"What was that about?" He asks, slowly approaching.

"I still don't have that person's quirk under control, so it's highly dangerous to be around me when I shift into them," You inform him.

"Huh? Who was it then?" He inquires, and you turn away, unable to tell him about how you know what's going to happen. "Well?" He presses again, and you frown.

"Someone you'll meet in time," You say, knowing that he'll hang onto the words until they make sense.

"What are they, one of our classmates? Cause you apparently have a knack for finding them and knowing who they are before any of us do," He comments, and you shake your head, thinking about how Eri is most likely being treated right now. Part of you wants to rush their hideout on your own, but it'd do no good.

As much as it pains you, you know you have to go with the other heroes. Your fists clutch in anger and frustration at the thought of leaving Eri there more than she needs to be. Bakugou seems to notice your reaction and asks, "Just who are they?"

"Someone who deserves to be saved sooner rather than later," You comment, knowing it makes it seem like you know a lot more than meets the eye. Bakugou doesn't respond, so you calm yourself down and look at him. He's just looking at you seemingly stunned.

"I'm going home, see you around Bakugou," You say, walking away, a bit tired. There's really no response from him, which makes you feel surprised. Though you don't complain as you make your way to Aizawa's. You make it through the door, but you feel stunned to see Miss Joke again.

"Hmm? Aizawa?'s you," She perks up at the door, but quickly deflates at seeing me. You quickly turn around, going out the door, not wanting to deal with her. You climb to his roof and just lay there looking up at the clouds.

You feel yourself drift into sleep, and let it consume you.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now