A Whirl of Events

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You walk around, feeling unable to settle down. Sitting down at a bench, you look around, and yet again it seems to settle in that you're no longer able to go back home. That there is no home to go to. "Does this mean I'm an orphan?" You end up mumbling out loud.

Heavily sighing, you rest your eyes for a bit, feeling a faint wiggle of something. Snapping your eyes open, you see a red feather slightly blowing with the light wind. "Hawks!" You exclaim frustratedly. In an instant he appears with an innocent smile.

"You called?" He innocently comments, and you pull out his feather, glaring at him. "Hey, to be fair, I'm a hero and you're a kid who's all alone at night, I can't just leave you by yourself," He defends his actions, though keeps his laid back appearance.

"I'm capable of defending myself, just rather not be flashy with trying to escape you," You remark.

"And if you were taken by surprise and knocked out? Or your quirk was canceled?" He inquires, and you're about to say that even then you'd be just fine, but decide not to say anything about Kurama being with you.

"Hence why I'll be training how to defend myself without using my quirk. I don't need to constantly use my quirk, it has enough toll as is," You decide to respond with, knowing it's the safest option. Though the pause causes Hawks to be uncertain of what your true answer would be.

"Oh right, kid, what did you mean when you asked if it meant you were an orphan now?" He tilts his head curiously.

"That's a question I'm not required to answer," You say, not really wanting to try and find a roundabout way to share your family situation. Your gaze breaks from his as you just think about it. Shaking your head to try and clear away the thoughts, you refocus on him. "Why are you so intent on making sure I get back to my residence?" You inquire, and slightly put emphasis on residence.

"Again, you're a kid, even if you're capable of defending yourself, it's my responsibility to make sure you're safe," Hawks says as though it's a line that's been drilled into him. Thinking about his childhood, you start to wonder what he might've been if he wasn't forced into being a hero. Would he have still been a hero? Or would he choose a career he'd truly enjoy?

"You good there kid?" Hawks' voice snaps you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking about a different timeline, one where you had more freedom during your childhood," You babble, the fact slipping your lips before it can leave. His eyes widen as the words sink in, and he looks away.

"Don't concern yourself with what could've been kid, It does no good," He says and you feel downcast, but you sympathize.

"Yeah! Gotta try and stay positive! After all, I'll be a hero that'll allow people to live a life they want to! Ya hear dattebayo!" You cheer, Naruto's personality beaming through. A bright grin on your face as you declare your goal. Hawks looks at you confused, and slightly doubtful. "What's that look for? You think I can't do it?" You call him out for the look in his eye.

"You're aiming for something unrealistic. It's like asking for world peace, it's unlikely," He shares his thoughts, and you feel challenged.

"Just you wait and see! I'll be a hero that'll show people anything is possible dattebayo!" You cross your arms defensively, hating that he's looking down on you.

"Sure, kid. I'm just telling you it's unrealistic," Hawks tries to settle this calmly, but you just feel offended.

"Yeah I would've too, but I'm a walking example of something that would seem unrealistic," You blurt, and instantly cover your mouth as soon as you realize what you said. "I'll be going now!" You say before Hawks gets the chance to even get a sound out. Shifting into Sasuke, you go through to a dimension of your making.

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