Training before the Internship

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"I don't know what to do with you when you keep fainting for overworking yourself. Heck I'd say that it'd make you more of a liability as a hero," You manage to make out Aizawa's voice as you regain consciousness.

"I know, I can be a pain, but that's why I'm training. I just need to be strong enough to face certain challenges. And if I'm not, the cost will be my life. As much as it might not seem like it, I'm kind of fond of living," You lightly laugh as your strained voice responds.

You're able to make out Aizawa suddenly looking at you, though it's still clearing up. Blinking a few times, you see Aizawa's stern expression. "What'd I do?!" You recoil, instantly feeling like you've done something wrong.

"You've got to stop pushing your body past its limits! Because even though you get some strength from your shifts, it takes a toll on your body because it's not used to that level of strain!" He scolds, while bringing up a point you completely overlooked.

Your eyes widen at the realization that your body is underdeveloped for the types of shifts you depend on, you know that you need to become physically fit. Meaning you'll also have to upkeep healthy routines. Though you're in an awkward position since you don't really know the first thing about trying to physically build your body up.

"Uh, Aizawa, any chance you can help me with building my physique?" You inquire, with a slight nervous smile. He sighs and seems to ponder something. He looks at you with a peculiar look, but you recognize it. He has had it for a while, especially when he seemed to try and bring something up.

"I think I'd be too hard in the training, and you'll probably need to take it at a slower pace to start off," He answers and you slightly pout.

"I don't know who else to go for this! Please Aizawa!" You start to plead. Though truly thinking about it, you could probably talk to All Might about it, but you'd rather train under Aizawa. Aizawa lets up and agrees, making you feel ecstatic. You even end up grinning like a fool. There's a knock on the door, and when you look over, you're a little surprised to see Bakugou.

He looks over at you, his eyes widening, but he looks away with his cheeks reddening a bit. "You're awake," Is all he ends up saying.

"Yep! And thanks to Aizawa I think we have a way to make this a less frequent occurrence. Which I for one will be grateful for so I don't end up with a relationship with a hospital bed like Deku," You joke a bit to lighten the mood. Bakugou looks at you, a slight frown on his features.

"Is there a reason you came here, Bakugou?" Aizawa redirects the conversation in a more professional direction.

"Present Mic is getting tired of covering for you, so he sent me to tell you to take your job back and stop worrying so much," Bakugou states, purely looking at Aizawa. The statement makes you look over to Aizawa.

Was he staying here till I recovered consciousness? You think to yourself, a little dumbfounded.

"Very well, (L/N), this time listen to Recovery Girl and don't even move without her permission!" Aizawa sternly warns you before heading off with Bakugou.

You puff your cheeks out in frustration, but know it's most likely for the best. Not much later Recovery Girl comes in and checks up on you. She tells you to rest and you're about to argue, but Aizawa's warning flashes in your mind. You sigh, but ask for a sedative to help with the process. Instead Recovery girl has you take melatonin. Your eyelids feel heavy, and you let yourself drift off to sleep.


You're lightly shaken, and you crack your eyes open. You see Aizawa, so you get up, feeling a little fatigued. "Is it already time to go?" You ask a little surprised. Then you also think a bit confused as to why there was class after the festival. In an instant you're reenergized as you realize you've probably been out for a day again. If not longer.

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