Unexpected Vistor

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You find yourself dozing off, but snap awake at the door slamming open. "Aizawa!" An all too cheery, and quite frankly, annoying voice rings out.

You groggily sit up to face the intruder, to see Miss Joke. Your jaw falls open, feeling shocked that she just busted in like this is a normal occurrence. You feel glad that you decided to throw away the note after you were finished with its details. You quickly decide to shift your appearance to match Aizawa to help convince her that you're a relative or something.

"Hmm, you're not hiding from me are you?" She chirps, seemingly ignoring the fact that it's late in the night.

"No he's not," You start off, your voice both tired and irritated, "He's off on a mission, so no idea as to when he'll be back either. So if you don't mind, could you please see yourself out, and let me sleep?"

She's surprised to say the least, but then she grins and tries to make you laugh. You don't even burst in a partial chuckle, you just groan in annoyance. "Haha, you're really like Aizawa! Who are you and how come we haven't met?" She breaks down and decides to go into introductions.

"Aizawa's my guardian while I'm overseas from America," You shortly explain, desperately hoping she'll take the response and leave you alone.

"America you say? I didn't think Aizawa had any relatives over there. The more you know I guess," She chimes.

"Relatives in America? What're you talking about now, Joke?" Aizawa's voice pops out of nowhere, the door didn't even betray his arrival.

"Huh? But this kid said you're her guardian?" She is confused.

Aizawa looks at you and seems to understand that you shifted into him to try and avoid too many questions, and to get her out asap. "You can drop your quirk," He tells you. Following his command, you think about your normal personality, and see Joke's jaw drop.

Though it's short lived since she tries to make you laugh again. You still end up groaning in displeasure, residing back into the position you were in before she came crashing in. "Quirk or not I'd still believe you two are related. Not able to laugh," She pouts.

"Or maybe you're just too annoying with your persistence," You slip the words, but are too tired to care. Aizawa chuckles, and Joke feels offended. Then you see the surprise that contorts her face as she realizes Aizawa laughed.

"That got you to laugh?! After all the time I've known you, you had yet to laugh at a single thing I said," She pouts again, and we both quickly get annoyed.

"What do you want Joke?" Aizawa cuts her off, obviously showing that he wants her gone asap as well.

"Oh don't be like that! I just wanted to see you!" She chimes, a big grin on her face.

"You've seen me, now go. I need sleep, and from the sounds of it, a lot to deal with my incoming class," He dismisses her, opening the door to further encourage her.

She cracks up and says, "You say that about all of your classes. What could be so different about this one?"

"Oh shut up, and let the man sleep, if he says he needs it, you should respect that," You snide, disliking her and her personality towards Aizawa.

Her eyes cut over to me, looking deadly. She starts to approach you, so you sit up and shift into Naruto. "Joke, you really shouldn't mess with her," Aizawa warns, but Joke doesn't pay him any mind.

"You should really learn to be more respectful," Her angry face spouts at you.

"I could say the same about you," You respond, lip snarled back. You feel Kurama's chakra start to seep out, probably causing your eyes to turn red.

"Joke! She passed All Might's score for the entrance exams!" Aizawa grabs her attention successfully this time. Her body goes rigid as she looks at you. You're stunned at the expression, and feel all of your anger being washed away with pain filling in.

It only worsens as she backs away, and leaves without another word, even to Aizawa. Tears feel like they're about to form, but as Aizawa sits down on the couch with you it's like you're pushing it down. "You alright? You looked crushed at Joke looking at you like that," He asks, truly concerned.

Yet you end up putting on a bright smile and telling him, "Yep! I was just surprised how much weight that news holds." You see Aizawa frown, seeming to know that you're lying. He disables your quirk, and in the sudden change you feel blank for a moment before pain waves over you.

You crumble in pain, eyes tearing up from the sudden pain searing from your head. Aizawa rushes to check on you, but you can barely register him. In your pain you shift into Tsunade, and try to heal yourself. Once the pain alleviates, you see a concerned Aizawa.

Shifting back to normal, you slightly wince, but it's nowhere near as bad as before. "It seems like you can't deal with a sudden shift, any idea as to why?" He asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.

"I think I pick up the person's personality and it mingles with mine. So for a sudden shift in how I'm supposed to react must've caused physical pain," You tell him, as you get up to get something cold to press against your head.

"That Naruto character, does he tend to hide his actual emotion often?" Aizawa inquires, and all you can do is frown at Naruto's backstory.

"Naruto didn't really have a childhood. People hated him because his father had sealed a demon that was destroying the village in him the day he was born. Soon after he and his wife had died protecting Naruto. Over time Naruto picked himself up and decided to make something out of his life, to become the greatest ninja in his village so people would start respecting him. That meant keeping a positive attitude instead of falling back into that dark place," You roughly explain Naruto's past.

"Wow, was there no one there for him?" Aizawa asked, sympathizing with the fact Naruto was just a kid.

You shake your head before explaining, "He was alone, sure he was a troublemaker getting people to remember that he existed, but he had no friends for a while. It wasn't until he became a full-fledged ninja that things started to change for him. Over time he became an awe-inspiring ninja that became Hokage, leader of his village, and by far one of the strongest ninja in history."

Aizawa smiles at my quick storyline of Naruto. "Seems like he would've made a fine hero in our world," He comments. You smile, the pain in your head gone. You return to your spot on the couch, and Aizawa frowns for a moment.

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