Getting Ready for UA

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You feel something shake you, bringing you out of the cute moment, making you frown. Though you open your eyes, seeing a slightly concerned Aizawa. Seeing as you're awake, he tosses something in your face, causing you to flinch.

Looking at the fabric, you place it as your UA uniform. You smile as you look at it, never imagining that you'd be wearing one, or to UA for that matter. You get up to see Aizawa has already made breakfast for the two of you. It's simply eggs, but you happily go over and sit down, saying itadakimasu. After you start to eat, Aizawa surprises you by talking. "Nezu wants to talk with you to talk about your course registration along with hero costume designs," He informs you, and you simply nod, quickly finishing your food so you can get ready.

On the way to UA, you feel awkward considering you're just in your normal clothes as Aizawa is in his usual apparel. You notice he's carrying his yellow sleeping bag under his arm, and offer to carry it for him. He declines your offer saying that he's good.

After sometime, you're left alone with Nezu, who gets you set up to where you're with class 1-A for hero courses and english, which you're mostly going to be assisting those who need help rather than participating. Then you're going to have online courses for the subjects you're ahead in. Finally, you'll have a Japanese course instead of history, due to not needing to really know about history anyhow.

"As you're probably aware of, you'll need to make a sketch or design for what you want your hero costume to be, these sheets will be able to be handed in a drafts, you can have multiple ideas, and attach a picture of yourself, leaving them to put together a perfect outfit for you if you're uncertain," Nezu explains while pushing a small stack of papers your way. You notice that on top is your official schedule.

"My classroom for the online course is wherever I want it to be?! Don't you think that's a bit too much freedom?" You inquire considering you were always forced into some room under supervision.

"Hmm? No, as long as you don't break our trust, there should be no concerns about how you go about your academics, considering we can't help you as easily while teaching the other students," Nezu explains, and you feel astounded.

You know that eventually, you'll probably just stay at the dorms for the courses, but till then you'll have to hunt down a quiet atmosphere. You look at the hero courses and how you'd have to time it. Who knows, maybe you'll shift into cementoss and put up walls around you so no one can bother you until you need to participate. Let's just see how the day goes.

"Oh! Before I forget, Aizawa mentioned something about you working to get in a better place financially. You do know that we'd be willing to front the expenses, right?" Nezu inquires, causing you to flinch a bit.

"I am aware, but I still want to make sure that if something is to happen that I'd be able to support myself. While I don't think anything drastic will happen, I know your concerns will be elsewhere, and it'd do no good if my expenses are a part of that. So let me pay what I can, starting off with meals. I'll continue to work to pay back the enrollment money as soon as I can," You explain, placing down the sheet you were looking at.

"Huh? What do you mean? You've already covered it, before you started the exams, they were paid for," Nezu explains, causing you to go pale.

Your mind reels, you're only aware of the entrance exam. Did you switch with essentially a doppelganger? What does this mean? Your mind starts to spike with pain, making it hard to focus on anything. "(L/N)!?" You can barely hear Nezu as your vision starts to fade.

Someone suddenly comes in, the sound of the door didn't even stir a reaction out of you. "Did she suddenly shift?" You can make out Aizawa's voice, and you feel your body being moved, but can't seem to move an inch. You panic, but still nothing happens.

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