Another Day at Work, Another Friend Made

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Looking at the time, you get changed and head over to the mall. You brought some cash along so that if you're sent on break, you can at least get something to eat. The Boss is surprised at your arrival, but smiles warmly. Getting you set up, you spot Bakugou walking in the door. You sigh, knowing your other co-workers haven't gotten ready yet.

"Anything I can help you with Bakugou?" You inquire, seeing that he's in his middle school uniform.

"Nani?" He asks confused, not expecting to be approached already. Then he sees it's you and he slightly scowls. "I'm just here for a drink before I leave for school," He spits out.

"What'll be?" You ask politely, bringing out a small notepad to take notes.

His eyes widen, and he tells me, "Get your boss. They'll know what to get me."

You look at him like he's being extra, but comply and tell your boss that there's a customer. They look at the clock and nod decisively before telling you that they'll take care of it. You feel a bit confused, but don't give it much thought. You head back out and continue to help prepare the place to be opened. Then a young American couple walks in, and you walk up to take their order.

After sometime, you're told to go to break. As you take off your apron. You grab your wallet and set a timer. Walking over to the food court, you feel at a loss for what to try. So you look around and ask some of the other tourists their opinion. Going to the most recommended shop, you get something small considering you've always wanted to try dangos.

Eventually you go back to work, and feel good about yourself as you think about everyone you've served. They were for the most part pleasant, so it was easy to feel happy. You then see a pink skinned girl who's bouncing up and down in excitement as she talks to her friends.

Mina Ashido.

A smile forms on your lips, especially when she ropes her friends into a small dance with her. Then you hear her loudly cheer about something to her friends. you must've caught her friends' attention, because Mina instantly whips towards you. She approaches you with a bundle of energy.

Feeling a bit timid from the attention, you give her a nervous smile. When she talks to you, you can't understand a single word. It must show on your face, cause she thinks for a moment before saying, "Want to hang out with me and my friends? We're just celebrating my acceptance into UA."

"That's great to hear! Did you get into Class 1-A?" You ask her, hoping that is the case. She nods her head excitedly so you share that you're also in Class 1-A. She squeals in excitement and pulls you over to her friends.

Once we're over there, they go back to talking japanese. Feeling uncomfortable, you manage to slip away once Mina lets go of your arm to direct her friends' attention excitedly towards a shop. At least you thought you had before you were dragged over, a mischievous grin on Mina's face.

You gulp, knowing that she could have anything up her sleeve. You're in a clothing store, and as you look at all of the different clothes, you zone in on a few that peak your interest. Before you're able to even get over to one of the items you were eyeing, Mina pulled you over to the dressing rooms and shoved you into a room, pressing clothes into you in the process.

You look at the clothes and blush a bit. You're normally pretty consevative, and the outfit Mina gave gave just enough covering where you wouldn't feel too uncomfortable. As you look at yourself in the mirror, you're able to pick up on the traits of the shirt better. It's a thin black see-through shirt, with the thin strapped crop-top underneath, and then a looser fit set of bleached colored jeans that have multiple pockets, all of them decently sized.

You fawn over the pockets mostly, but as you look at the shirt you first feel confident in your body and how the shirt fits. Then you think about wearing it out in public and you start to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Mina knocks on the door checking on you, so you step out to show her. She looks at you over, nodding in approval, but notices that you're embarrassed. So she drags you over to the sweater/jacket area. She finds a wine colored fake leather jacket with silver accents, and your quickly put it on.

You make your way to jewelry, and don't find anything. "I should probably put this back, I don't want to spend too much money on just this outfit," You comment aloud, where Mina looks at you like you've wounded her.

"Girl I've got you covered, take it as a gift of friendship. We'll be besties at UA, and I want you to be able to slay along with me when we go out," She tells you and you can't help but smile and thank her. You're about to change, when she just has the female walk over and get you guys settled.

The worker and Mina both take the tags off of you once Mina finishes paying. The worker then puts your other clothes into a bag for you to carry around easier. You then look around wondering about Mina's other friends, which they seemed to have left.

"If you're looking around for my friends, they went back home. I told them too, considering it seemed like you were getting excluded due to not knowing Japanese," She explains swiftly, grabbing your attention.

"Ah, thank you. I've already talked with UA, so I should be getting a course in Japanese, most likely more often in the day than I'd like. Doesn't help that I'm technically a third year since I decided to go abroad late," You explain how it shouldn't be like that for too long.

"Ugh, I'm jealous! You've got to help me study! Otherwise I'll be hopeless!" Mina tugs on your jacket and you smile.

"Alright, alright, but in return you've got to help me out with my Japanese," You made a deal with her. She agrees to the terms with a big smile.

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