First Day of Training at UA

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You walk out with everyone to the training grounds where Aizawa is going to hold a secondary exam. Though, none of them will realize he means his every word. As everyone watches Bakugou launch the ball into the distance, you notice Deku watching him in admiration. After Aiwaza explains the objective of coming out here, everyone gets nervous, except you, Momo, and Todoroki.

You look back, expecting to catch a glimpse of All Might. You notice him, and as he sees you looking at him, he ducks away. "(L/N) your turn," Aizawa calls for your attention. You shift into Uraraka, using her quirk to also receive infinite. Returning to normal, you continue to pay attention, knowing that you should anyhow.

Aizawa calls through everyone, but then you notice that Koda isn't in the class. You frown a bit, but don't let it bother you too much. Aizawa tries to look over at you and see how you're reacting. You smile at him, telling him you're alright and slightly hint that you know everythings going to turn out how it's supposed to be without your say.

Deku is about to throw when Aizawa cancels his quirk. As he talks with Deku, you look over at Bakugou who is eying Deku. You sidle up next to him, giving him a small smile. He looks at you, slight scowl left over on his lips from Deku.

Aizawa then walks over to us, watching Deku carefully. As Deku only breaks a finger, you let Bakugou react, but when he remains by your side you feel surprised. Then you hear the explosions start to go off, and he yells out towards Deku. While you don't know exactly what he's saying, you're almost certain it's similar to the original.

Aizawa's scarf and quirk restrains Bakugou, and you walk in front of Bakugou. You give him a hug, in hopes it'll calm him down a bit. "I know, we can talk to him once you calm down a bit more okay?" You whisper to him, knowing it'll get to him. You hear his infamous 'tch', letting him go, cueing Aizawa to do the same.

The rest of the exams you go on, and due to your ability to shift into a character well suited for each event, you get the best scores overall compared to everyone else. Though, you don't stay shifted for long, even if you know you'll use the same person for the next part. Deku is at the bottom of the list, and you can tell that Aizawa wants to converse with you about his next actions.

Though he just continues with his original route, considering everyone's tone of voice. You hear Momo speak up, but you can only guess it's the same as in the show. You really can't wait to learn japanese, because real soon here things'll be changing, diverging from what you know. It'll just help to make things easier on you.

You wordlessly follow everyone back, seeing we're going to the changing rooms again. Returning to the classroom, you blank for a moment, unable to completely recall what class you have next. In answer the door is suddenly thrown open and a loud declaration is heard.

All Might. Everyone gets excited, but all you can do is look solemn. All Might looks at you almost as if he senses that you're not starstruck by seeing him. You put together a smile, telling yourself to just make it though for now. You can tell All Might Recognizes you, but you play it off as if you couldn't place him.

Then it hits you, you never took the papers and got your hero costume registered. Though as everyone takes theirs, you notice that there's still a suitcase left over. Walking over, you see your name labeled on it. You grab it, surprised, but hustle to catch up with the others. They're chatting in Japanese, and you can't blame them for it.

As you open your suitcase, you find yourself a little confused at the material in your hand. It's got a metallic feel to it, but it doesn't feel restricting. Putting it on, it is a tight fit, but you feel protected from any large impacts. You then notice a little nub that seems to attach near your temple. Reading the instructions, you learn that the nub is a neural transmitter that allows you to control the suit's design.

Attaching the transmitter as instructed, you test it out by shifting into Uraraka, matching her hero costume. "Wow! That's so cool!" You hear Uraraka comment, and you sheepishly rub your neck. You note that the suit even expanded to completely match the technology that the person would be wearing. Since you recalled Uraraka's later design, you test the grappling hook to see if it actually works.

In an instant you hear the wall crumble a bit at impact. A line comes in your vision, drawing you to the wall. There's surprise, and you nervously laugh, shifting back, little bits of your suit reattaching itself to you. You look at your suit, feeling surprised by its functionality. Moreover, how'd they even manage to make this for you when you hadn't turned anything in?

"Kid, you should consider keeping that under your clothes, especially considering that you plan on getting into dangerous situations," Kurama comments.

"As much as I agree, it'd be best to not do that until after the first event. And don't worry about the first event, I'll be able to wear my hero outfit for the first event. But I agree after that I'll start to wear it under my normal clothes, it'll be easier to cover as well," You tell Kurama, who sees your logic.

You hear Momo speak up, but you just look over to see you're the only one left in the room. You wordlessly bow in apology, and hustle out with her. You end up paired up with Todoroki on the hero's side. You don't complain, knowing he'll show off his capabilities with his ice quirk. Which will leave you time to work with Kurama.

You don't focus on the matches, and just get in a meditative position. "You ready Kurama?" You ask before launching into your training with Kurama. It's gotten a lot easier to calm Kurama down, and you both agree that you should try taking the next step.

"Madara, just thinking of him makes my blood boil for what he did," Kurama states, and you nod, knowing you don't want to stay as him for long at the moment. Though even at the sight, you manage to calm down Kurama easily. "I don't think we'll need to do more than that, thanks kid," He tells you resting a bit.

"No problem Kurama, I'll take off the seal, so just rest. You deserve it," You tell him, your body moving up to the seal. You rip it off, and look down to see Kurama sleeping. You smile, and return to your class. You see everyone focused on the matches, the only person that seems to pay attention to you is Todoroki.

You look over All Might's shoulder to see if you've had your match yet, and feel surprised that you haven't. You look around, seeing Bakugou walk in, frustrated. Looks like he didn't have a clear head, maybe things'll end up similarly. You decide to let him work it out on his own, leaving Deku to confront him about staying. And if Bakugou doesn't stay because of that, you'd personally drag him to UA.

Your match comes up, and Todoroki is about to speak. You put your hand up, not wanting to hear him attempt to talk to you in Japanese, and just motioning for him to do his thing. He seems surprised for a moment, but scoffs. He puts his hand against the building, instantly freezing the building.

You shift into him, helping him melt the ice. He looks to you in surprise, most likely because he hadn't expected you to help him. After the ice has melted, you shift back to normal, going inside to check on Ojiro and Hagakure. Seeing that they are alright, you offer assistance. They both decline, and you nod your head, shifting into Kakashi to flicker back to the observing room.

You lean against the wall, back to normal, waiting for them to return. Feeling bored you, try to recall when the USJ attack will happen. You're pretty sure it's a different day, so you'll have to talk with Nezu. In the meantime, you decide to flicker to ground beta and shift into Naruto.

There's something you want to try, and in doing so, you'll at least want a clone. You have the clone try and shift to normal. Surprised you managed that, you start to think it might be because of Kurama being with you. You have the clone try and shift into Bakugou, which works and you feel surprised, considering you didn't realize how you looked with Bakugou's features.

Shaking off the thought, you make more shadow clones, and try to shift into multiple people. Your head starts to split, and you release the clones. You shift back to normal and breathe it out. Since you cut it off early, you were able to recover quickly.

"Look like I found another drawback," You comment into the wind, carrying your words away. Your vision feels faint, and you feel yourself falling. Last thing you felt was impact against the concrete.

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