One More Day

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He heavily sighs, returning to his food not even giving you a response. Your smile falters a bit, and thoughts about how Aizawa probably finds you annoying, or a pest, go through your mind. You fake a yawn, as a silent cue that you're tired. "Well I'm going to head off to bed! Got to be at my best if I want to become a great hero!" You give a smile, before heading to the living room.

Hiding your face by digging it into the couch, you get in a comfortable position, and just drop the act. "Kid, are you doing alright?" Kurama asks, a bit pointlessly.

"I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to hold out this way, but I doubt there's any way to weaken Naruto's responses or behavior. It's not like it won't be a good thing, but with the way I think, it causes conflicts that more than likely increase my symptoms," You vent a bit, not quite able to restrain any of your thoughts.

"It'll get better, things'll change once school starts," Kurama tells you and you frown a bit.

"I suppose, but I do know the first event that's going to hit this group. And honestly it's best to just have them endure this on their own. Well, I'll obviously still help out, but they need to be able to get some experience out of this," You say, knowing it sounds a bit harsh.

"I get it kid, while you want to make sure no one is hurt, you're aware that sometimes it's necessary in order to have someone grow. Just rest easy kid, tomorrow is your last day before school starts. After work we can work on managing my anger," Kurama tells you and you feel a smile curl up on your lips.

"Alright Kurama, no going back on your words now!" You cheer, looking forward to tomorrow.

You rest peacefully, and wake up to Aizawa cracking his door open. "Morning sensei!" You snap to attention, with a smile on your lips, but your expression is still tired. He jumps a bit, and seeing your expression he groans a bit, muttering about coffee.

You smile, getting up and rushing out the door to get some breakfast due to Kurama. "Ramen sound good, Kurama?" You inquire, waiting for a response.

"Please tell me you're not going to be a ramen addict like Naruto," He responds. Causing you to chuckle.

"I don't plan on it, but right now ramen sounds really good, but that could be Naruto talking," You inform Kurama, who just grunts. A smile spreads onto your lips making you feel genuinely happy. Eating breakfast, you bound your way to work, only to be told Mitsuki wants to see you.

"Oh crap, hopefully I don't need to wear anything that shows my stomach," You think, almost forgetting Kurama.

"You do realize that if that's the case, we can just break the seal? But it might be a better idea to figure out something else before releasing me," Kurama suggests.

You lightly nod, a slight determination rising in you. That is until you see the press around the studio. "Nope, sorry Mitsuki, but I ain't ready for that," You say aloud, which was your first mistake.

"(F/N)! There you are! C'mon don't let the press intimidate you," Mitsuki approaches you, a smile on her lips. You sweatdrop, but give in. You're not even sure you could directly neglect her.

You guys do an actual photoshoot, which doesn't seem all that bad due to your practice round. Though as it gets to different roles that you have to try and impersonate, you struggle so you think of characters that fit the personality instead.

Your quirk surprises the photographer and Mitsuki. After explaining it a bit, Mitsuki smiles and says that it's up to you if you want to continue using it, but she won't force you. Though you take it as dual training, so you use it pretty freely.

Once the shoot is done, you feel mentally tired, but not enough that you aren't able to train with Kurama. You head to the park you were at last time, and just get into a position that looks like you're meditating.

"Sorry Kurama, but I'm all good to go, what is it that we're going to do exactly?" I inquire, not all too sure how he wants to go about it.

"You know Sakura? Well she irritates me, so if you shift into her for a bit, annoy me, then shift back we can work on calming me down that way. It's the least likely way for me to lose complete control," Kurama informs you.

"Alright that's fair, but if something does go south, I'll have to shift into the first hokage to subdue, ok?" You tell him in advance, not sure what kind of effect it'll have on him. Kurama agrees with the method, getting us straight to it.

I'm not sure how much time passes, but we did an incredible job. Though I can tell Kurama would rather wait to undo the seal. "Kurama...why are you being so cautious about the seal?" You inquire, curiosity getting the better of you.

"Well, you're adamant about making sure I don't go overboard, and I'd rather not risk it. After all you quirk as it's called me here must be powerful if it was able to duplicate me into you and make you a jinchuriki, that's a power that can overshadow a lot of people. Which only means it'll be more sought after, and I want to be of help, not put you in a more difficult position," Kurama explained, and you feel touched by his words.

"Well, I think we best be getting home, I bet you're hungry after all that," You comment, knowing you personally don't feel hungry, but know Kurama needs food. Kurama sighs at your words and thoughts, but agrees.

Coming out of the state, you're suddenly met with two scarlet eyes, causing your heart to jump. "Bakugou! Why'd you have to scare me like that?!" You scold him, hitting him lightly.

"You were just sitting here for hours, not even responding to a single thing I did," He comments, standing up facing away. Though you notice that the tip of his ears are red.

"And what exactly did you do to try and get a response out of me?" You ask, a blush growing on your face at your roaming thoughts.

"Don't get the wrong idea dumbass, I just set off various explosions. Seems like you're really good at meditating," He comments, facing you. You awkwardly rub your neck, not sure how to respond.

"Sorry, I really didn't realize you were there. Guess I got a bit carried away, though I should probably be heading back," You inform Bakugou, seeing as it's the best route.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now