Developing Changes

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~Normal POV~

You contacted Aizawa after helping with Katsuki's dishes to assure him that you're safe. And also clear the air about what all occurred with the quirk incident. After informing him, he's silent. You let him go and contemplate whether or not to confront Hawks. Sighing, you look up at Katsuki's ceiling while sitting on his couch. Mitsuki and Masaru have already headed off to bed, and Katsuki is in his room studying, according to his claims.

Not too much longer, the couch sinks a bit, causing you to look over. Seeing Katsuki, you give and share your thoughts. "I understand why you want to confront him, but maybe you should focus on figuring out how to address your previous conflict that is causing you to hesitate," He advises, causing you to be surprised at how mature it sounds.

Still you and thank him for the advice. You mull over your last interaction. You know you overstepped with his family and even suggesting you could be family to him. So maybe, it's best to apologize for overstepping and leave at that. That way you could at least have a clear conscience about confronting him about what he did. Still, you shouldn't blame him too much. He might've thought you were going to confront the Commission.

"Alright, let's get some rest," You tell Katsuki, peeling yourself off the couch. He gets up and follows behind a slight distance, as if making sure you'll be able to make it up safely. You lay down and face the wall, still leaving plenty of room for Katsuki. Some time passes, and you haven't felt the bed shift.

Looking over, Katsuki is at his desk, still working away on something. You slightly frown, but get up to see what he's doing since you're not really tired. He senses you, but only spares you a glance before getting back to work. Deciding to get some work of your own done, you sit on the floor in a meditative position. "Kurama, did you happen to sense anything off while I was walking yesterday?" You inquire, hoping to receive something.

"Hard to say kid. It's not like chakra has the same signature as what I'm used to," He responds. You furrow your brow in thought. Was that why you were unable to attempt to read Katsuki's chakra signature? "It's possible that their quirks are almost like a different type of chakra, but rooted to similar attributes. It'd explain why their quirks can't vary all too much from the original form," Kurama responds to your thoughts.

"If that's the case, then chances are it'd explain why my quirk is so different. I have a more adaptable form of chakra that allows me to use multiple forms of chakra. Still doesn't explain how I've only now learned of my abilities," You verbally state to Kurama, knowing it'd make no difference.

"Since chakra is innate, you likely never even thought of attempting to use it. And even if it did activate, you might've lacked the control over it and it wouldn't manifest. But traversing into an entirely different dimension allowed you to open up the opportunity to truly use your chakra properly," Kurama theorizes. You nod in agreement, seeing the logic.

"Kurama, is there any chance you can train me in taijutsu?" You inquire, knowing you'll slowly want to depend less and less on your quirk. But to get to that point you need to be able to defend yourself. Though he seems distracted by his own thoughts. So you try calling out to him again.

"Kid, you know when you unlocked some chakra in yourself?" He asks, and you nod, fairly proud of yourself at that moment. "Well, I think you just managed to transfer your natural chakra into the chakra I'm used to. Meaning, you can likely pull even more chakra from yourself to perform jutsus without using your quirk, and without my chakra," He states, causing you to go a little wide eyed.

For the next while, you work with Kurama trying to gain access to more chakra. After an hour or so, you feel a power surge through you. Kurama's eyes widen. "Try to shift, are you still able to?" He inquires, to which you test. You easily shift into Kakashi, causing Kurama to become serious. "The amount of chakra you were able to transfer is near the amount Naruto naturally possesses, and yet you still have excess to shift," He exclaims, and you just stand there stunned.

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