It's Only a Dream. . . Right?

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Your eyes open, and for a moment you feel like you didn't get anything from your sleep. Because your head hurts, and your vision is slightly blurred. Blinking a few times, you quickly confirm that you're not at Aizawa's. In fact the LOV in front of you makes you think you continued your previous dream.

"The heroes' aren't going to come for you," Shigaraki says, seeing that I'm awake.

"I know they aren't. I was the one who told them to not bother coming after me in the first place," You smart off. You look down, seeing you're almost completely restricted, the only thing that isn't is your head. "Well isn't this pleasant. Though I guess you all don't want to risk either me attacking you or escaping, at least unless I join the LOV," You say slightly exasperated.

"Well it looks like you know our intentions for kidnapping you, what do you say?" Shigiraki continues, but you take the moment to look at them.

"And what exactly would I be doing?" You inquire, not sure if you remember what plan Shigiraki had for Bakugou originally.

"You'd be doing a lot, it'd really be up to you how involved you want to get. But I'm afraid I can't share any details unless you join," Shigaraki continues.

"I think you'd be more interested to hear what I know, but that's nothing to concern yourself over. After all, what makes you so sure I'd join the League of Villains?" You continue to hold the cards.

"Well, you saw how the heroes treated you at the sports festival, we're just giving you an opportunity to prove them wrong about who you are," Shigaraki explains, and you laugh like crazy.

You notice that Dabi's eyes light with amusement at my reaction. Though Shigaraki approaches you, putting four fingers to your throat inthreat. "Do it, because all I am is a sacrificial pawn to make sure that All for One doesn't get what he's looking for," You tell Shigaraki with a smirk on your lips, and a daring look in your eyes.

Shigaraki is a bit surprised at hearing your words, but doesn't let you get off scot free. He decays your arm partially, leaving it to take a while to recover, and hard to use your main shifts. "Mistake getting too close," You tell him, quickly shifting into his later self, and just barely touching him. That small touch was enough to cause minor pain.

"The hell?!" Shigaraki cries out.

"Karma's a bitch, ain't that right Dabi?" You say, looking over at him and his body covered in burn scars.

There's a faint smile, but he remains closed off. "Awh don't be upset, at least I saved you from a reunion," You tease him, catching his eyes widened for a moment.

"Do you know more about Dabi (L/N)-chan~?" Toga bounds up in front of you, but a safe distance away.

"Toga, I know that you tried to go so long in your life repressing your quirk because of its nature. But your love for a boy broke that and you are now how you are. Shigaraki, how's that memory loss about your family? Dabi, how is that pain from your family working out for you?" The last one caused everyone to be curious. Mainly as to how I know all of this.

"Twice, I feel bad for you. That constant inner war, it's something I can relate to. Though probably not on the level you are," You continue, finishing off the majority of what you know of them, probably more than they've shared with each other.

"How do you know all of this?" Dabi speaks up first. You smirk, "I have my ways. Who knows, maybe if things were different I would join the LOV, but unfortunately I've got a date to keep with All for One if you don't mind me."

You shift into Naruto, going into kurama link mode, and are easily able to break out based on sheer strength. You then flicker to a safe location as you had planned, before shifting into All for One. You try to use the teleportation quirk focusing on essentially yourself in an entirely different location.

With a portal swallowing you up, you find yourself in front of the man himself. "Look at that I finally get the honor of meeting you in person," You say a bit sarcastically as you shift back to normal.

"Ah, you're the girl from the sports festival, I take it that you didn't take a liking to Shigaraki, though it doesn't explain how you got here," He comments casually unaware of the danger you could put him in.

"You have no idea how much I want to kill you right now, but lucky for you, I'm not one to actually kill someone," You say, shortly shifting into Naruto. Making shadow clones to knock him out. Which was too easy, making it feel off.

"Your quirk will be a nice edition, I'd be unstoppable with it," You feel a hand grab onto your head from behind. Poof! The shadow clone disappears and you crush him from behind with rasengan.

"Make sure you've got the real me before you try a stunt like that," You comment, Kurama getting riled up and wanting to get involved. You hold him back purely because you want to limit the amount of damage compared to the original plot line.

"Haha! You think that weak person could face me on their own?" All for One's wound recovers gradually, and Kurama instantly makes his way out. His chakra cuts into AFO, causing him to sputter out blood.

Kurama continues to beat up AFO ruthlessly until he's completely unconscious. "Good job Kurama!" You smile before flickering you and AFO to the police station so that they can detain him.

After being questioned, someone barges in.


"You idiot! Why'd you go off on your own like that?! Even got Nezu to tell the pro heroes to not look for you. What if you weren't able to get out, ever think of that?!" He instantly goes off on you.

"Are you alright?" You ask, getting up and checking him for any injuries considering before you didn't have the time to stop and check him yourself.

"Of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?! You're the one that was being reckless like that dumbass Deku," He angrily spouts, grabbing your wrist to stop you from continuing your search.

"I take it that everyone else is doing alright then, at least aside from Deku," You slip the last part.

"Huh? How'd you know about Deku? You wouldn't have seen him during the attacks," Bakugou looks at you suspiciously.

"Well you mentioned how I was reckless like Deku, so I figured he got injured as usual," You cover yourself, and Bakugou seems to believe you.

"C'mon, the rest of the class is waiting for you," Bakugou says a little gruff, making you believe he's upset by the fact.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now