Chapter 31: The Hunted

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"Lotor's cruiser is resting on the other side of the planet. At our current speed, we will be within attack range in an hour," Pidge informed the paladins.

"Good. Hold formation." Keith instructed.

After placing a tracking device on Lotor's ship, Keith and the other paladins followed him down. However, there was one paladin who wasn't a fan of his plan.

"Keith, I still think that this is a dangerous idea. I mean, we aren't even fully prepared to take on another fight."

As she said that, Allura accidentally slammed the blue lion into the yellow lion. "Oops! Apologies, Hunk!"

"Is attacking right now such a good idea? Ya know, since not everyone is so great with their lions?" Hunk asked.

"Do you mean me specifically?" Allura sounded hurt by his question.

"What? No, not you. . . No, I'm just pointing out that half of the teams are in new lions. Maybe now is not the time to bite off more than we can chew."

"You can blame our hot headed leader for that one." Lance chimed in.

"First you want me to lead and then you complain about how I do it! Prince Lotor is the heir to the Galra throne. We could put an end to his reign right now."

"Keith, I agree with Hunk. We are too vulnerable to take on an enemy right now, especially Lotor." Phoebe tried to reason with him, but she knew that it wouldn't work. When he had his mind set on something it was hard to change it. That and not to mention that he was still upset with her.

"Allura, how are you holding up?" Phoebe checked in on the new paladin.

"I'm fine. I've been flying the castle for half my life. . . I just need a few ticks to get used to flying the lion."

"Good, because we're going in." Keith told the team.

The lions closed in on the cruiser, with each second getting closer and closer. And with each second, Phoebe got more and more worried.

"I'm detecting movement." Keith informed the paladins.

Phoebe glanced over at her sensors and sure enough, a ship was launching out of the cruiser. "Welp, so much for the element of surprise."

"It's just a single fighter. Where is the rest of them?" Hunk asked as he watched the ship fly in their direction.

"Probably scrambling as we speak. Let's take it out!" Without hesitation, Keith lunged towards the fighter. The speeder in return speeded up, now heading straight for the black lion. However, before it could reach it the black lion was knocked off course by the red lion.

"Lance, what are you doing!?"

"Sorry! The red lion goes a lot faster than I'm used to." Lance apologized. "Uh . . . Where did that fighter go?"

All of a sudden the fighter appeared from behind the lion, opening fire on the black lion.

"C'mon, MOVE!" Keith yelled in frustration as he tried to evade the ship's blasters. No matter how fast he flew, the fighter kept right on his track. "I can't shake him! Can someone Get him off my tail?"

"I'm on it!" Phoebe swooped in from behind, along with the other lions. All at once they opened fire on the fighter, but none of their shots hit. The fighter was too quick, and managed to evade every single shot. One of the shots accidentally missed the fighter, instead directly hitting the black lion.

"Agh, Allura!" Keith shouted in frustration.


But that wasn't the only mishap. Lance still couldn't control the red lion, and it almost crashed into the black lion . . . again.

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