3|I have ur back don't worry

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Skiptime:1 month later


Now 1 month later me and Pablo blo are much closer and became friends, i fell for him, not the best thing i did, but i really couldn't resist

"Fuck! Im running late. God!"

"I'll drive you" Pedri yells from downstairs

I rushed down and ran into the car. I hope i won't be more than 5min late  I'm going to the modeling agency, hoping to be a model some day

"Where are you going again"

"I'm going to modeling, I'm gonna be a model one day" I sigh looking trough the window

"I mean you do have a nice body"

"Aww thank you Pedri"

"Get out Andrea you're running late" Pedri says hurrying me up

"Okay okay chill" I say getting out of the car and going into this this huge a$$ building

"Sorry I'm late miss Reandos" saying with a nice voice

"No problem Andrea, you can call me Adriana, now go to my office there is some people waiting for you"

"Alright" I say making my way to the office

"Good morning miss González, I'm Leonardo Diaz and this is my assistant
Ricardo Geronas"

Leonardo is lowkey looking gay, I ain't gonna judge, I mean I'm judging alot rn but-

"Good morning mr. Diaz and mr. Geronas" I say with a warming smile

"This is your schedule for the next month" he handed me papers

"If you turn out good you will have a catwalk in 5 months" he says with a serious face

"I understand"

"Miss González you need to-"his phone ringing interrupted him

"Excuse me" he stepped out of the office

"If you do as he says you will go to the catwalk, trust me he is strict but fun, and if ur thinking is he gay, I personally don't know but he is looking juicy" I laugh at his words

"You can also call me Ric" he says giving me a warm smile

"And you can call me Andrea or Andy, I perfer nicknames instead of Miss González" I say getting now more comfortable

"Are you maybe related to Pedri, yk the Barcelona's player"

"Oh I'm actually his sister"

"Oh my God you two have the same facial features


"Thank you for waiting for me. You are free for today miss, but we will need you to come tommorow, you will be trying on all kinds of clothes including dresses, so wear something simple and a nude makeup"

Our ups and downs | Pablo GaviМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя